Climate changeMortality rateTemperatureAdaptationIntensificationThis paper examines the historical relationship between weather fluctuations and mortality rate in China. Using panel data on provincial annually mortality ratedoi:10.2139/ssrn.2720262Li, Chengzheng...
For some warm indices, such as the warmest day (TXx), summer days (SU), and warm days (TX90p), the largest incremental changes (from 1.5° to 2.0°) tend to be found in the southwest. Under the SSP585, the incremental changes are similar to the change in the SSP245, but smaller ...
The EEAP focuses on the effects of UV radiation on human health, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, air quality, and materials, as well as on the interactive effects of UV radiation and global climate change. When considering the effects of climate change, it has become clear that processes ...
One of the biggest problems in the future may be that climate extremes will harm many countries, and that their "climate refugees" will be pushed from ancestral homes into more temperate and developed places not as badly affected by climate change. The migrations could cause great stresses in t...
The real basis for claiming ‘damage’ is limited to the slow, steady rise in sea level? That’s it? That’s the ‘damage’? Perhaps that explains the fuss lately about ‘climate change’ sinking islands (or sand bars as one contributor noted). If so then obviously China is taking the...
(i.e., 187 Mt CO2-eq), sharing about 43.6% of the total GHG emission from agriculture19. In 2020, the European Green Deal Communication launched strategies and target plans on stepping up 2030 climate ambition20, and revised the regulatory framework for the Land Use, Land Use Change and ...
The world remains far away from meeting UN-backed goals on holding back climate change, setting the stage for major damage without more ambitious efforts to cut emissions, a study said Tuesday.
But the gradual behavior change is difficult to model (the amount of behavior change is itself an unknown, and becomes a variable we can model). I was involved in this sort of investigation about 25 years ago, and i threw my hands up. The surveys I ran convinced me that we humans ...
in local weather conditions and resource availability [1,2,3]. Nevertheless, climatic conditions and prevailing winds change in a somewhat seasonally predictable manner across the globe. For example, while westerlies dominate the mid-latitudes, easterly trade winds prevail in the Hadley cells and ...
Climate change will significantly increase the number of days each summer where wet bulb temperatures in the region will exceed the "extreme danger" limit. Even with mitigation measures in place, Eltahir says, "it will still be severe. There will still be problems, but not as bad" as would...