Find out about the Climate Smart Agriculture, as well as important and key details about it which are crucial for the UPSC exam. Also read about the approaches and actions constituting Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), and its importance. For IAS preparat
UNFCCC UPSC:-Download PDF Here The first global conference on climate change was held in 1972 in Stockholm, Sweden. This conference ushered in numerous global negotiations and international agreements on the environment. All of these culminated in the establishment of the United Nations Framework Conve...
Climate change could have far reaching effects on the patterns of trade among nations, development and food security. To keep global warming possibly below 1.5°C and mitigate adverse effects of climate change, agriculture like all other sectors will have to contribute to manage greenhouse gas ...
National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) was launched by the Indian government in June 2008. Get notes on National Solar Mission, National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency, National Mission for Green India and more under NAPCC. For more UPSC