Climate Change and Global Energy Security: Technology and Policy Options, MIT Press, 2011.Brown MA, Sovacool BK. Climate change and global energy security: technology and policy options. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 2011.Brown, Marilyn A. and Benjamin K. Sovacool (2011) Climate Change and Global...
Martin J. Pasqualetti
气候突变的情景及其对美国国家安全的意义 Climate_Change_and_National_Security 中文版气候突变的情景及其对美国国家安全的意义 彼得 施瓦兹和达哥 兰德尔 2003 年 10 月 不可思议的情景 本报告给出了似乎是不可思议的情景, 它拓展了现今气候变化研 究的范围, 可以让我们更好地认识气候变化对美国国家安全的潜在意...
andCongressremainsdeeplydividedoverwhatthenationshoulddoaboutglobalwarming.WhilestrategicplannersintheArmedForcesac-knowledgethesepoliticaldivisions,theirmissionistoconsiderallthepossibilitiesandnotleavethenationorthepeoplewhode enditsinterestsunpre-pared.Forecastinghowclimatechangemayshapenationalsecurityisanincredibly...
Climate change is a common challenge facing humanity, and requires a global response, said a Chinese envoy in the context of climate and security.
policysecurityTo provide a comprehensive resource for those engaged in planning, designing, or regulating the landscape impacts of commercial scale renewable energy development, particularly wind and solar. The…" [more]doi:10.1080/00045608.2012.667731Pasqualetti...
Climate change and security: examining China's challenges in a warming world As the political negotiations continue to slowly churn, it is uncertain what form the global response to climate change will take. However, it is clear that climate changes may create conditions that pose challenges to ...
Climate security risk assessments and reporting from local, national and regional levels should be considered as an early warning for conflict prevention, she said. "We must understand climate change as one issue in a web of factors that can lead to conflict, can exacerbate conflict. Within this...
Former Netherlands chief of defense Tom Middendorp, the “climate general,” discusses efforts to decarbonize defense forces and the security risks that could be heightened by climate change.
Climate change is the central national, human and global security challenge of the current and coming years. Along with nuclear war, it is the only security threat that could conceivably end all life on the planet for all time. Already it poses an existential threat to several low-lying small...