As pointed out by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), there is little doubt that climate change will increase inequalities between countries, sectors of activities and individuals who have the means to adapt and those who do not. This holds particularly for people living in least ...
发挥核心作用呢。 想了解更多官方解释,请点击Climate justice气候正义气候正义意味着将公平和人权置于气候变化决策和行动的核心。气候正义一方面涉及各国在气候危机方面承担的不平等历史责任。这一概念表明,通过排放最多温室气体的活动而致富的国家、行业和企业,有责任帮...
Climate change and justice are so closely associated that many people take it for granted that a global climate treaty should - indeed, must - directly address both issues together. But, in fact, this would be a serious mistake, one that, by dooming effective international limits on greenhouse...
发挥核心作用呢。 想了解更多官方解释,请点击Climate justice气候正义气候正义意味着将公平和人权置于气候变化决策和行动的核心。气候正义一方面涉及各国在气候危机方面承担的不平等历史责任。这一概念表明,通过排放最多温室气体的活动而致富的国家、行业和企业,有责任帮助减轻气候变化的影响,特别是对于最脆弱的国家和社区,...
Climate change and climate change policy raise important issues of intergenerational and international justice. Intergenerational justice requires that CO2 emissions be halted by the middle of this century or shortly thereafter. But since human developme
Climate change and justice are so closely associated that many people take it for granted that a global climate treaty should–indeed, must–directly address both issues together. But, in fact, this would be a serious mistake, one that, by dooming effective international limits on greenhouse gas...
Climate justice is increasingly prominent in climate change communication and advocacy but little is known about public understanding of the concept or how widely it resonates with different groups. In our global survey of 5,627 adults in 11 countries spanning the global north and south, most part...
气候正义Climate justice是一个用来将全球变暖作为伦理和政治问题,而不只是单纯的环境或自然现象的术语。这是通过将气候变化的影响与正义的概念 ,特别是环境正义和社会正义,以及审视平等 ,人权,集体权利和气...
参考消息网12月6日报道自上世纪90年代初以来,气候正义一直是气候变化领域的一个重要议题。在前不久落幕的《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十六次缔约方大会(COP26)期间,名为“全球气候正义行动日”(Global Day for Climate Justice)的活动在11月6日吸引约10万人冒雨走上大会主办地英国格拉斯哥的街头。世界各地的...
This chapter provides a broad overview of the relationship between climate change and environmental justice. It provides (1) a brief review of the concept of environmental justice, (2) discussion about how environmental justice applies to climate change,