Climate change adaptationNational adaptation strategiesDue to few comparative studies, explanations for differences in adaptation mainstreaming between sectors remain widely unclear. The article analyzes how adaptation mainstreaming was approached during the development of the Swiss National Adaptation Strategy and...
The Te Arawa climate change adaption strategy is being reviewed for inclusion in the United Nations Handbook on Disaster Risk Reduction 2019. This achievement began with a Scion/Te Arawa Lakes Trust partnership that employed a local Maori community researcher to develop and strengthen relationships, ...
Regarding adaptation as a major component in executing the national strategy for actively responding to climate change, the Chinese government has promoted and implemented major adaptation strategies, launching adaptation actions in...
Which adaptation strategy involves raising the elevation of critical infrastructure to reduce the risk of inundation and flooding from sea-level rise and storm surges?
SteveRackley, inNegative Emissions Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation, 2023 Biophysical impacts of semiarid zone afforestation Land-use competition, particularly forfood production, is a significant challenge for large-scaleafforestationas aclimate change mitigationstrategy, although this can be avoide...
Impact of Climate Change on Cashew and Adaptation Strategies. p.189-198. In: Climate-Resilient Horticulture: Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies, H.C.P. Singh, N.K.S. Rao, K.S. Shivashankar (eds.). Springer India.Singh, H. P. et al. (ed.) 2013. Climate-Resilient Horticulture: ...
While mitigation strategy is emphasized for both CC and GW, an adaption strategy is highlighted for CC, but a solution strategy is suggested for GW. The analysis of perspectivization strategy finds that while NYT still adheres to the journalistic norm of “balanced reporting”, it corrects the...
Type 2: ‘Stepping-up’ strategy Farming forms the core activity that supports their livelihood and income of Type 2 farmers. These farmers have sufficient land and labor resources that are utilized extensively to meet the needs of a market-oriented outlook on farming activities. All the farmers...
This study suggests that breeding maize for combine drought and heat stress could be an effective adaptation strategy in dealing with the adverse effects of high temperature in the future climate change. Conclusion This study evaluated the impacts of climate change on maize production in northern ...
climate change15,34,35. These adaptive mitigation strategies could help to design resilience systems to future climate change. Similarly, promotion of climate smart agriculture (CSA) could help to mitigate the challenges of climate change. CSA aims to transform and redirect agricultural system to ...