LINK-ESG 好书推荐官本期要为大家介绍的《Climate Change Adaptation, Governance and New Issues of Value: Measuring the Impact of ESG Scores on CoE and Firm Performance》由卡罗·贝拉维塔·佩莱格里尼(Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini)、劳拉·佩莱格里尼(Laura Pellegrini)和马西莫·卡蒂佐内(Massimo Catizone)合著。...
Climate-change adaptation encompasses a broad range of human policies and activities primarily intended to reduce the risks posed by climate change. It includes both realised and expected risks. Latest Research and Reviews Impact of irrigation on farmworker’s heat stress in California differs by seaso...
The finding indicates that adaptation activities that need to be improved by PHCs are early warning systems about drought risk, collaboration with institutions concerned with climate change, and participation in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by using a pro-environment transportation system. In ...
这不仅是顺应可持续发展浪潮的必然选择,更可为投资者带来"alpha"回报。新兴市场投资者尤其应借鉴成熟市场经验,在彰显ESG理念的同时把握发展机遇,实现"impact"与"return"的双赢。 信息披露是ESG生态的重要基础设施。只有建立在真实、可靠、可比的信息基础之上,ESG投资决策才能做到有的放矢。由于ESG涉及的因素广泛、界定标...
Climate change is a challenge for all of humanity. The sustainable development of the Chinese nation and the future of the planet depend on tackling it successfully. 中国高度重视应对气候变化。作为世界上最大的发展中国家,...
LINK-ESG 好书推荐官本期继续为大家介绍《Climate Change Adaptation, Governance and New Issues of Value: Measuring the Impact of ESG Scores on CoE and Firm Performance》。 ESG投资:一份来自全球市场的实证分析报告 为了检验ESG与企业财务绩效的关系,本章运用计量经济学方法,对一组跨行业、跨市场的上市公司...
确立适应气候变化(Adaptation to Climate Change)在我国应对气候变化法中的重要地位 所谓适应气候变化,是指自然的或人类系统回应实际的或预期的气候刺激及其影响所作出的调整,以减轻损害或开发与气候变化有关的有利机会。[1]适应包括预期性的适应、反应性的适应,私领域的适应、公共领域的适应,自动适应、计划适应等多种...
resources to support climate change resilience are insufficient. At last year's UN climate conference in Paris, informally known as COP21, countries committed to setting a goal of at least 100 billion U.S. dollars per year for climate change mitigation and adaptation activities in developing ...
中文名:气候变化适应手册 气候变化是人类目前面临的最紧迫的挑战之一,引起了发达国家和发展中国家的注意。有少量的科学出版物通过全局的方法来处理气候变化适应的问题。这本手册的目的...
Thinking Climate Change Adaptation for the - Clean Air Initiative适应气候变化的思考-清洁空气行动.ppt,Thinking climate change adaptation for the Mekong regionLuong Quang HuyClimate Change ProgrammeIUCN Vietnam ContentsState of science and evolution of un