WESROC Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation Action PlanCoastal Zone Management Pty Ltd
In 2020, China started the preparation of the National Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation 2035, which focused on overall guidance, communication, coordination, strengthening observation and assessment of climate change impacts,...
Without targeted climate adaptation, impacts of climate change threaten achievement of all 169 SDG targets. Fuldauer et al. provide an actionable framework to assess these impacts and help systematically align national adaptation plans with the SDGs. Lena I. Fuldauer , Scott Thacker & Jim W. Hall...
The Great Barrier Reef Climate Change Adaptation Strategy outlines our vision for ongoing efforts to help the Reef, its industries and its communities adjust to a changing climate. Through the Great Barrier Reef Climate Change Action Plan (2012–2017) the Australian Government is committing to a ...
There is a growing body of literature that examines the role of local governments in addressing climate change vis-à-vis mitigation and adaptation. Although it appears that climate change mitigation strategies - in particular those addressing energy iss
The local approaches these cities are developing provide examples of innovations that US cities can look to when implementing their own local climate action plans.HallBuilding Climate Change Adaptation with Smart Growth and Green Infrastructure: Adaptive Planning Policies from Rotterdam,...
Formal planning for climate change adaptation is emerging rapidly at a range of geo-political scales. This first generation of adaptation plans provides us
Socio-economic factors constrain climate change adaptation in a tropical export crop Understanding and preparing for the impacts of climate change on tropical crops is key for global food security and sustainable development, especially in the Global South. This study maps banana production in Latin Am...
Singapore government has already started to strengthen the country's defence against climate change. At the same time, given that climate science and projections continue to evolve, Singapore government will continue to review the adaptation plans to ensure that optimal solutions has been put in to ...
Action 2: Broadly integrate adaptation into government decision making Adaptation planning intersects with many public priorities such as economic development, housing, public health, and climate change mitigation. By using these intersections, governments, multilateral institutions, and p...