According to theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which summarizes key scientific research on the issue carried out by thousands of scientists, greenhouse gases have "increased markedly as a result of human activities since 1750 and now far exceed pre-industrial values" and "most of...
Climate change is an incredibly important issue facing our planet today, so it’s essential that children have a basic understanding of the science behind it and what they can do to help reduce its impacts. Using these projects and activities, you can ensure kids get a clearer understanding of...
Outdoor activities that require observations over time also help children to understand the importance of collecting data to build our understanding of how the world is changing. These immersive, long-term experiences are also extremely effective in terms of helping to make the learning ‘stick’. ...
When our children start seeing they have some power to do something about climate change, it becomes a little less scary. Support them in harnessing that power in other settings to impact community change. School, church, clubs, after-school activities, etc. are great places for your child to...
Teaching Kids About Climate Change is an essential toolkit for any educator looking for innovative program ideas, games, and activities to engage young people ages 6 to 14 in the challenging topic of climate change. Its detailed, practical activities are designed to enhance climate literacy and to...
KIDS' LIVES MATTER so let's stop climate change Home 30 Years of Sea Level Rise Posted onDecember 20, 2024|3 comments In thelast postI estimated the expected sea level rise along the eastern USA from the year 2000 to the year 2050, based on extrapolating the present trend forward in tim...
Enhancing primary school students' knowledge about global warming and environmental attitude using climate change activities. Interna- tional Journal of Science Education, 37(1), 31-54.Karpudewan, M., Roth, W., y Abdullah, M. (2015). Enhancing Primary School Students' Knowledge about Global ...
hands-on activities, which will be presented at this session, allow students to explore the topics in greater depth including differences between weather and climate, how sea level rise affects coastal areas, and how they can shrink their carbon footprint to help address recent climate change. Ea...
Climate change is a huge issue. It is the significant change in the climate of Earth over a long period of time. It can happen naturally. It can also happen in response to human activities. Thinking about climate change is overwhelming at any age. However, young people seem to feel this...
Michael Mann, a distinguished professor of atmospheric science at Penn State, says adults often make two mistakes when it comes to discussing climate change with kids: They assume it's too difficult a concept for them to grasp and believe that they're not in a position to do anything about...