A major component of those plans is emphasizing and achieving climate justice – by identifying a set of "disadvantaged communities" that would get at least 35% of the benefits of clean energy and energy efficiency project spending. The plan also requires that the state prioritizes these areas f...
Within 6 months, the Chair of the CEQ is directed to create a geospatial Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool and to publish yearly interactive maps highlighting disadvantaged communities. The Administrator of the EPA is directed to strengthen enforcement of environmental violations with disproporti...
NOAA - Sea Level Rise Inundation - 6ft Above MHHW (max 2100):The purpose of the mapping viewer is to provide coastal managers and scientists with a preliminary look at sea level rise and coastal flooding impacts. The viewer is a screening-level tool that uses nationally consistent data sets ...
Democrats will work with affected frontline communities to develop a screening and mapping tool to ensure racial and socioeconomic equity in federal climate, energy, and infrastructure programs. We will support locally-driven economic development and commit to directing a significant portion of clean ...
Hot Topic: An unjust picture.This week, researchers released the U.S. Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI)—the most comprehensive screening tool to date showing where climate risks most imminently threaten communities throughout the United States. The results showcase the vulnerability of many U.S. ...
CEQ worked with NOAA to develop a beta screening tool that enabled agencies to overlay their buildings and employee data with climate hazard data to understand where agencies may be most exposed to climate-related hazards. Agencies are developing their own internal tools to understand site-specific ...
including suggested tools and resources that can help you learn more about your community's climate exposure and vulnerability. Yet tools and resources are only small pieces of the puzzle. There is no report, tool, dataset, or platform that can tell your community's story. Numbers and data ha...
Going a step further, five cities developed clear equity metrics that are intended to be applied to all the mitigation and adaptation goals listed within their CAPs—these are: Oakland’s Equitable Implementation Appendix, Raleigh’s Equity Impact Matrix, San Antonio’s Climate Equity Screening Tool...
National tools such as EPA’s environmental justice screening and mapping tool (EJSCREEN) can help align environmental justice with climate change goals. But agencies should still establish environmental justice indicators tailored to the local context of each decision or investment they make. The...
48″, 60″, 72″ as well as 5-year through 1000-year flood zones. Flood scenarios presented in the mapping tool are accompanied by a set of impact estimates at the local level. These are divided into three themes: critical infrastructure, social vulnerability, and natural resilience features....