Participants stated that they could not afford to run on air conditioning, and due to increased utility prices they stopped watering their garden, which leads to the loss of vegetation contributing to ambient heat. They may not be able to afford a conditioning, or they may actually have air ...
These amounts are far in excess of the typical daily needs of the Stella Vie for family use (say 50 km/day, or ~1 kWh), but not so for the Tesla S, with heating, air-conditioning, media, various IT systems and heavier paneling for safety. In winter (50 km in a Tesla S equate...
[55] aimed to assess the present and projected energy requirements for air conditioning systems in public edifices. The study also examined the effects of different shading devices and envelope insulations on thermal energy requirements. Finally, Luo and Oyedele [44] devised a framework for life ...
Day-to-day building energy consumption is estimated using a database-held, country-specific temperature response function and assumption about the prevalence of air-conditioning (Lindberg et al., 2013a). A blanket weekend traffic reduction is also applied to capture day-of-week traffic flow ...
Urban heat can be reduced through a range of methods such as: (a) high albedo, reflective surfaces (e.g., the Queensland city of Townsville reduced the average air conditioning load by 10% over a decade when they issued a regulation requiring that all roofs be white); and (b) urban ...
Japan used such a mechanism quite effectively after the Fukushima nuclear accident to encourage higher temperatures in buildings in the summer, therefore lowering the need for energy for air conditioning. But shaming and aggressive persuasion aren’t always welcome and may have a limited duration ...
Japan used such a mechanism quite effectively after the Fukushima nuclear accident to encourage higher temperatures in buildings in the summer, therefore lowering the need for energy for air conditioning. But shaming and aggressive persuasion aren’t always welcome and may have a limited duration ...
From a field investigation, it was determined that the indoor thermal environment was controlled by a multi-split air-conditioning system, which is the most wildly used by mid-rise university and office buildings in the HSCW climate region because of its ability to flexibly maintain individual ...
From a field investigation, it was determined that the indoor thermal environment was controlled by a multi-split air-conditioning system, which is the most wildly used by mid-rise university and office buildings in the HSCW climate region because of its ability to flexibly maintain individual ...
The conditioning values were used as the mean ±1 standard deviation. A 95% confidence interval for the mediation effect was estimated using the 2.5th percentile and 97.5th percentile. If the 95% confidence interval of these path coefficients did not include 0, a significant mediation effect ...