General Post Office271 yd Trinity College423 yd Trinity College Library0.3 mi Grafton Street0.4 mi James Joyce Centre0.4 mi Dublin Castle0.5 mi Dublin Writers Museum0.5 mi National Gallery of Ireland0.5 mi National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology0.5 mi ...
The Casino de Paree’s menu gave patrons some idea of what could be expected on the stage… (The Culinary Institute of America Menu Collection) …but if food and drink was the only thing on your mind, you could enjoy lobster thermidor for a buck seventy-five… (The Culinary Institute of...
had already packed his blue Honda in readiness, took Kelly's body, wrapped in it the plastic shower curtain liner and placed her in his 6 foot kite sail bag, along with her collection of Geodes. Kelly, who had been a Geology major in college, had a large collection of crystal...
CMS proposes that requests to cancel rural reclassifications must be submitted to the CMS regional office not earlier than one calendar year after the reclassification effective date. In addition, CMS proposes to eliminate the current rule that cancelation must be requested...