Der CLIF-C-AD-Score (acute-decompensation-chronic-liver-failure-score) ist ein spezifischer Prognosescore für hospitalisierte Leberzirrhose-Patienten mit akuter Dekompensation (AD: Aszites, Enzephalopathie, gastrointestinale Blutungen und/oder bakterielle Infektionen), aber ohne ACLF. Bei diesem...
doi:10.1016/j.aohep.2020.08.026J. Moreira-AlcívarM. Mejía-LozaC. Asencio-BarrientosH. Citalan-PorojJ. Hernández-SolísAnnals of hepatology: official journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology
目的:探讨CLIF-COFs 在非乙型肝炎相关慢性肝病并发AD患者中鉴别ACLF 的有效性。方法:筛选并纳入2005年1月-2010年12月上 海仁济医院非乙型肝炎相关慢性肝病AD患者274例,按CLIF-COFs标准分为入院时ACLF组、入院28d-ACLF组 和非ACLF组。分析ACLF组和非 ACLF 组的临床和实验室指标、病情严重程度和短期死亡率。结...
ACLF 患者预后的独立危险因素.CLIF-C OFs 评分≥9 分预 测 HBV-ACLF 患者 8 周预后的敏感度为 76.7%,特异度为 48.9%,AUC 为 0.662 ;NLR≥3.14 预测 HBV-ACLF 患者 8 周预后的敏感度为 67.1%,特异度为 56.7%,AUC 为 0.623.CLIF-C OFs 评分,NLR 串联试验诊断的方 式可提高预测 HBV-ACLF 患者 ...
Clinical, laboratory and survival data of 1348 consecutive cirrhotic patients admitted with an acute decompensation were compared according to the presence (n= 406) or absence of HE and of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) (n=301). HE development was independently associated with previous HE...
CLIF-C-ACLF-Score3rd Editiondoi:10.1007/978-3-662-49054-9_3725-1A. M. GressnerO. A. GressnerSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
Conclusion: CLIF-C ACLF has good short-term prognostic accuracy and it is as good as other available scores. Serial CLIF-C OF scores were equally good in predicting in short-term mortality.Hareesh, Gunda J.Ramadoss, RamuIndian Journal of Critical Care Medicine...
Jalan R, Pavesi M, Saliba F, Amoros A, Levesque E, Moreau R, et al. Validation of the CLIF-consortium (CLIF-C) score to predict mortality of patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) in an external cohort and for sequential measurements. J Hepatol 2014;60:S239....
结论欧洲肝病学会所提出的评分标准可从乙型肝炎相关慢性肝病合并急性失代偿患者中筛选出一组病情更为危重,病死率更高的慢加急性肝衰竭患者群体.乙型肝炎相关慢性肝病并发急性失代偿患者中确实存在一群疾病程度更严重的ACLF群体,CLIF-C OF标准可将ACLF患者从乙型肝炎相关慢性肝病并发急性失代偿患者中区分出来,以指导临床...
慢加急性肝功能衰竭背景:近期欧洲一项针对酒精和丙型肝炎肝硬化急性失代偿(AD)患者的前瞻性研究表明,慢性肝功能衰竭联-盟-器官功能衰竭评分(CLIF-C OFs)是区分慢加急性肝功能衰竭(ACLF)的有效诊断标准.目的:探讨CLIF-C OFs在非乙型肝炎相关慢性肝病并发AD患者中鉴别ACLF的有效性.方法:筛选并纳入2005年1月-2010年...