This branch is267 commits behindlivekit/client-sdk-js:main. README License JavaScript/TypeScript client SDK for LiveKit Use this SDK to add real-time video, audio and data features to your JavaScript/TypeScript app. By connecting to a self- or cloud-hostedLiveKitserver, you can quickly buil...
Twilio Client JS-SDK是Twilio提供的用于在Web应用程序中实现语音通话的客户端JavaScript软件开发工具包。其中,Websocket是一种在Web应用程序和服务器之间进行实时双向通信的协议。如果Twilio Client JS-SDK的Websocket无法建立连接,可能是由于以下原因: 网络连接问题:首先,检查网络连接是否正常,确保客户端能够正常访问...
Importing the SDK import{getSDK}from'@openim/client-sdk';constIMSDK=getSDK(); Logging In and Listening for Connection Status Note: You need todeployOpenIM Server first, the default port of OpenIM Server is 10001, 10002. import{getSDK,CbEvents,CallbackEvent}from'@openim/client-sdk';const...
constructor(config: ClientConfig) 创建联机对战SDK客户端。Property Summary Name Type Description appId string 应用ID。 roomId string 房间ID。 groupId string 队伍ID。 openId string 玩家ID。取值范围为1~128个字符。 说明 可以是您的游戏在第三方平台生成的玩家ID,或者是您的自建帐号体系生成的玩家ID。
yarn add livekit-client NPM npm install livekit-client --save Minified JS To use the SDK without a package manager, you can include it with a script tag: The module will be exported under LivekitClient in the global namespace. When accessing symbols from the class, you'd need to...
if (!currentRoom || !currentRoom.options.e2ee) { return; } // read and set current key from input const cryptoKey = (<HTMLSelectElement>$('crypto-key')).value; state.e2eeKeyProvider.setKey(cryptoKey); await currentRoom.setE2EEEnabled(!currentRoom.isE2EEEnabled); }, ratc...
//funcName是一个变量名 // (function(name){return xxx;})(funcName);定义一个匿名函数表达式,然后用funcName作为参数立马调用 // 匿名函数的返回值为为jssdk[funcName]的属性值 //例如:var funcName="customer_name"; jssdk[funcName] = (function(name){return xxx;})(funcName); //只是匿名函数的...
Updated to launchdarkly-js-sdk-common 5.3.0 which supports synchronous inspectors. [3.3.0] - 2024-05-01 Added: Added an optional timeout to the waitForInitialization method. When a timeout is specified the returned promise will be rejected after the timeout elapses if the client has not fin...
Details: /.../node_modules/@eppo/js-client-sdk-common/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/index.js:1 ({"Object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,jest){export { default as v1 } from './v1.js'; ^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export' Add the follow...
picker/client-sdk-js 代码Issues0Pull Requests0Wiki统计流水线 服务 全部开启的 0 进行中 0 已完成 0 已关闭 0 排序 默认排序 最新创建 最早创建 最近更新 最早更新 高优先级 低优先级 优先级 不指定严重主要次要不重要 里程碑 无里程碑 标签 未分配标签 ...