If you selected PDF for rich watermark options, ClickBrowsenext to Select Watermark PDF to select the PDF document that you want to use as the watermark. note: Do not use a password-protected PDF document. If you specify a password-protected PDF ...
UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeFieldRequest UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeRequest UpdateProjectRetentionSettingModel UpdateRefsRequest UpdateRetentionSettingModel UpdateStageParameters UpdateSubscripitonDiagnosticsParameters UpdateSubscripitonTracingParameters UpdateTagParameters UpdateTaskboardColumn UpdateTaskboardWorkItemColumn UpdateTeam...
If the values do not match, the update will not occur and an exception will be thrown. Returns: A Mono containing the Response<T>.deleteTable public Mono deleteTable() Deletes the table within the Tables service. Code Samples Deletes a table. Java 複製 tableAsyncClient.deleteTable() ....
QueueMessageItem queueMessageItem = client.receiveMessage(); UpdateMessageResult result = client.updateMessage(queueMessageItem.getMessageId(), queueMessageItem.getPopReceipt(), "newText", null); System.out.println("Complete updating the message with the receipt " + result.getPopReceipt()); For...
Package: com.azure.iot.deviceupdate Maven Artifact: com.azure:azure-iot-deviceupdate:1.0.23 java.lang.Object com.azure.iot.deviceupdate.DeviceUpdateClient public final class DeviceUpdateClient Initializes a new instance of the synchronous DeviceUpdateClient type. Method Summary 展開資料表 Modi...
static void AddCredits(String connectionString, Int32 creditsLow) { String commandText = "Update [MySchool].[dbo].[Course] Set Credits=Credits+1 Where Credits<@Credits"; SqlParameter parameterCredits = new SqlParameter("@Credits", creditsLow); Int32 rows = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(connectionString...
static void AddCredits(String connectionString, Int32 creditsLow) { String commandText = "Update [MySchool].[dbo].[Course] Set Credits=Credits+1 Where Credits<@Credits"; SqlParameter parameterCredits = new SqlParameter("@Credits", creditsLow); Int32 rows = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(connectionString...
setType(ClientFile.FileType.img); OperationResult<ClientFile> result = session .resourcesService() .fileResource(new FileInputStream(pathToFile), resourceDescriptor) .asMultipartForm() .inFolder("/public") .create();Modifying a ResourceUse the createOrUpdate() method above to overwrite an entire...
Este documento descreve como formar um túnel IPSec de um PC baseado em Linux executando o Cisco VPN Client para um Cisco VPN 3000 Series Concentrator para que você possa acessar a rede dentro do concentrador com segurança. Antes de Começar Conventions Para obter mais informa...
This token update blocks not just the subsequent service call, but all the other service calls made in parallel while the token is being updated. If the access token expires in 2 minutes, at least one request every 2 minutes is slowed down by additional token renewal request. There is also...