{“error”:“invalid_client”,“error_description”:“Client authentication failed. Either the client or the client credentials are invalid.”} I followed step by step the documentation. This is the request I’m doing: curl ‘https://nandos.okta.com/oauth2/default/v1/token’ -H ‘authority...
/var/opt/gitlab/mattermost/config.json: "GitLabSettings": {"Enable": true,"Secret": "...","Id": "...","Scope": "","AuthEndpoint": "https://gitlab.example.com/oauth/authorize","TokenEndpoint": "https://gitlab.example.com/oauth/token","UserApiEndpoint": "https://gitlab.exampl...
Bug Report Description I'm using Authelia as my OIDC identity provider for ownCloud Infinite Scale (oCIS). oCIS is a public client, so my Authelia configuration looks like this: ... clients: - id: owncloud description: ownCloud public: t...
On TLS, the client should sent a auth-token and the server should bypass the auth through auth-user-pass-verify. (same behavior as auth-user-pass is defined on client) Version information (please complete the following information): Server OS: Ubuntu 22.04 OpenVPN version: 2.6.1 [git:relea...
access_token 上面的代码在我的本地机器的PowerShell上运行得很好,但是当我在Azure DevOps管道中运行相同的代码库时,它会产生以下错误。 代码语言:javascript 复制 ClientSecretCredential authentication failed: A configuration issue is preventing authentication - check the error message from the server for details...
I am using the endpoint https://appleid.apple.com/auth/token with the body data containing client_id, code, grant_type and client_secret. The values for these are as follows: client_id: <the iOS app's ID com.blah.blah.blah..> code: <authorizationCode from ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredenti...
例如为了保障登录系统的安全,在认证服务认证成功后开发者会收到认证服务下发的一个access token。开发者可以拿着这个token去服务器调用服务器侧Server SDK的接口来验证token的正确性以保障登录的安全。最近我就在调用验证token的接口的时候遇到了报错:Netty rest client failed to write request to server. 这种情况...
FailedToAcquireTokenSilentlyFromBroker FailedToGetBrokerResponse FailedToRefreshToken FederatedServiceReturnedError GetUserNameFailed HttpListenerError HttpStatusCodeNotOk HttpStatusNotFound InitializeProcessSecurityError IntegratedWindowsAuthenticationFailed IntegratedWindowsAuthNotSupportedForManagedUser InteractionRequired Int...