里面有一个设计亮点:此函数会一直等待TCP管道中的数据,如果触发了read事件,但是没有读取到数据,则Nginx会将buf内存删除,然后继续等待read事件的到来,好处是防止大量非法请求上来,又占用内存不释放,导致Nginx内存暴涨。 /** * read事件回调函数;主要处理读取事件 * 等待处理http request 数据 */ static void ngx_htt...
kubernetes.connection.timeout / KUBERNETES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Connection timeout in ms (0 for no timeout) 10000 kubernetes.request.timeout / KUBERNETES_REQUEST_TIMEOUT Read timeout in ms 10000 kubernetes.upload.connection.timeout / KUBERNETES_UPLOAD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Pod upload connection timeout in...
kubernetes.request.timeout / KUBERNETES_REQUEST_TIMEOUT Read timeout in ms 10000 kubernetes.upload.connection.timeout / KUBERNETES_UPLOAD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Pod upload connection timeout in ms 10000 kubernetes.upload.request.timeout / KUBERNETES_UPLOAD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT Pod upload request timeout in ms...
eq(["status.phase": "Running"])), .resourceVersion("9001"), .limit(20), .timeoutSeconds(10) ]) Get a resource let namespace = try await client.namespaces.get(name: "ns") let deployment = try await client.appsV1.deployments.get(in: .namespace("ns"), name: "nginx") let roles ...
KIND: Deployment NAMESPACE: kube-system NAME:calico-kube-controllers KIND: Deployment NAMESPACE: kube-system NAME:coredns KIND: Deployment NAMESPACE: kube-system NAME:kube-state-metrics KIND: Deployment NAMESPACE: kube-system NAME:metrics-server KIND: Deployment NAMESPACE: kube-system NAME:nginx ....
LoadBalancerInboundNatRule.DefinitionStages.WithBackendPort LoadBalancerInboundNatRule.DefinitionStages.WithFloatingIP LoadBalancerInboundNatRule.DefinitionStages.WithFrontend LoadBalancerInboundNatRule.DefinitionStages.WithFrontendPort LoadBalancerInboundNat...
self.worker_uuid, self.kube_config)exceptReadTimeoutError: self.log.warning("There was a timeout error accessing the Kube API. ""Retrying request.", exc_info=True) time.sleep(1)exceptException: self.log.exception('Unknown error in KubernetesJobWatcher. Failing')raiseelse: ...
The remaining phase of this exercise is to configure the NFS client in order to access the shared directory. First, confirm that you can view the export list or NFS shares on the NFS server. # showmount -e List NFS Share Directory ...
server: set deleting phase for runtime domain and website when deleting app (#1613) (27b0587) server: update logic of cronjob deletion (#1623) (fb7a45d) web: disable navigate cache for api endpoint (#1579) (f7b8775) web: fix bucket display name in edit mode (#1606) (d16bb36) web...
1.1 Nginx模块安装 (Storage) 1. 上传 fastdfs-nginx-module_v1.16.tar.gz 到 /opt 2. 解压 nginx 模块 tar -zxvf fastdfs-nginx-module_v1.16.tar.gz 1. 3. 修改 config 文件,将文件中的 /usr/local/ 路径改为 /usr/ cd /opt/fastdfs-nginx-module/src ...