TypeScript Kopiëren function deleteTestRun(project: string, runId: number): Promise<void> Parameters project string Project-id of projectnaam runId number Retouren Promise<void> deleteTestRunAttachment(string, number, number) TypeScript Kopiëren function deleteTestRunAttachment(project: string...
TypeScript Kopírovat function getFailureTypes(project: string): Promise<TestResultFailureType[]> Parametry project string ID projektu nebo název projektu Návraty Promise<TestResultFailureType[]> getFileLevelCodeCoverage(FileCoverageRequest, string) Získání pokrytí souboru pro zadaný soubor T...
You can then include the/tmp/cdppackage in your project and import it like the builtin CDP types. Updating built in CDP wrappers Theupdate-cdp.shscript generates the builtin CDP wrappers, thepycdp.cdppackage, by automatically fetching CDP protocol specifications from theChromeDevToolsrepostitory....
TypeScript Copy function getBuildLogZip(project: string, buildId: number, logId: number, startLine?: number, endLine?: number): Promise<ArrayBuffer> Parameters project string Project ID or project name buildId number The ID of the build. logId number The ID of the log file. startLi...
For Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, you can use the below script to collect the netstat output at defined frequency. From the outputs, you can see the port usage trend. ConsoleCopy @ECHO ON set v=%1 :loop set /a v+=1 ECHO %date% %time% >> netstat.txt netstat -ano >> ...
Add new ESLint tooling and configs Oct 17, 2024 turbo.json Fix turbo config Nov 23, 2024 yarn.lock Dm deeplink (#800) Jan 26, 2025 XMTP TypeScript This is the official repository for XMTP client SDKs, content types, and packages, written in TypeScript and powered byTurborepo. ...
The typescript implementation of the client for communication with sc-server. This module is compatible with 0.10.0 version of sc-machine. ScClient connect First of all one should create client instance. To do so: import{ScClient}from"ts-sc-client";constclient=newScClient('https://your-knowled...
types("_doc"); // 设置查询类型 searchRequest.searchType(SearchType.QUERY_THEN_FETCH); // 进行查询 SearchResponse search = client.search(searchRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); // 获取返回的数据并且打印 SearchHits hits = search.getHits(); // 得到数据的个数 System.out.println(hits.getTotal...
(BCS), which provides a consistent and uniform interface that can be used by other SharePoint applications. App-scoped ECTs are a good option when you are using a BCS model and access to the data requires authentication. For more information, seeAdd-in-scoped external content types in Share...
TypeScript Copier function addAssetForEditExtensionDraft(content: string, publisherName: string, extensionName: string, draftId: string, assetType: string): Promise<ExtensionDraftAsset> Paramètres content string Contenu à charger publisherName string extensionName string draftId string assetType...