The Design and Enforcement of Client Relation Management System in Power Supply Enterprises 供电企业客户关系管理系统的设计与实施 2. The application of data digging technology in commercial bank's client relation management 数据挖掘技术在商业银行客户关系管理中的应用 3. Client Relation ...
Systems, methods, computer systems, and computer-readable code for implementing methods for client relation management in which fewer call-in numbers need to be maintained. A method for client relation management preserves a more-complete record of online and offline interactions of a customer with ...
ManagementRestClient(IVssRestClientOptions) MetodeLuaskan tabel createBillingSnapshot(MeterUsage) Selama komputasi penagihan multi-organisasi di unit skala utama (EUS21), API ini digunakan untuk membuat rekam jepret penagihan untuk organisasi tertentu. Unit skala utama akan memanggil API ini untuk set...
client Softpedia>Mac>Applications filed under: client (531 items)
On the admin side, the client installation enables you to track software present on the device, provide inventory information in relation to hardware, and manage and deploy the OS and LoB applications. With innovations in cloud management, many of these ...
In the Integrated Service Platform, the key customer management system is a part of BOSS system which is constructed by China Netcom (group) corporation LTD. 综合服务平台中大客户管理系统是中国网通(集团)有限公司辽宁省分公司从2004年起开始构建新一代运营支撑系统(简称BOSS系统)中的一部分。 更多例句...
Il s'agit d'une instance dédiée de Microsoft Entra ID qu'une organisation ou un développeur d'applications reçoit au début d'une relation avec Microsoft. Cette relation peut commencer par l’inscription à Azure, Microsoft Intune ou Microsoft 365, par exemple....
ExtensionManagementRestClient ExtensionManifest ExtensionManifest ExtensionPackage ExtensionPayload ExtensionPolicy ExtensionPolicyFlags ExtensionQuery ExtensionQueryFilterType ExtensionQueryFlags ExtensionQueryResult ExtensionRequest ExtensionRequestEvent ExtensionRequestsEvent ExtensionRequestState ExtensionRequestUpdateType Extens...
management when client escalations arise Requirements: 1. Bachelor's De来自BOSS直聘gree or above in any discipline; Major in Law, foreign language or Human Resources is preferred 2. 1-3 years working experience in client services or immigration will be preferred 3. Strong knowledge of procedural ...
PURPOSE: To provide a client management method for utilizing the resources of a server computer, reducing the burdens of operations and improving security protection in a client-server system. ;CONSTITUTION: The correspondence relation of the user information of a client computer and the user informat...