Today as I was playing, the Sims 4 client forcibly shut and Origin gave me a message that an update had to install. When I reopened Sims 4, my save files are gone. I load back in to 11/14/2020 like nothing happened. Please help. @cosmophauntPlease open Documents\Electronic Arts\...
Same issue here, we can eventually use the origin client but we need to install the game from the DVDs and avoid downloading 8Gb of data from internet. Any solution? I tried unzipping the files from the dvds and running the TS4.exe but origin says "you must install first the game" ... View More Enjoyed the cadbury case study, the videos and general case studies. Negotiating with other people out side of my colleagues, using the tools in various exercises to get a real feel for how they are applied or identified. I liked the ability to go throug...
To access the PC client: Ensure the EA App is installed on your PC. If the EA App is not installed, download it fromEA App Install Link. After installing, sign in with your EA App Account. Navigate to your Game Library within the EA App. Download the "Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes" g...
1) Double click on my desktop icon for the launcher. 2) Origin flared up and went away at once and on its own. 3) After 3-4 seconds the Launcher appeared in the window bar 4) After another 2-3 Seconds the Launcher popped up and I could start MEx:LE Total: 6-8 second...
I've included some screenshots, however, I am not sure if these files are attaching correctly, because when I preview this post they do not appear. One of the screenshots is of this strange panoramic picture that appears in Windenburg. I've also included a screenshot of my Sims 4 folder...
(--lia-bs-white)","imageAssetName":null,"imageLastModified":"0","origin":null,"position":"CENTER_CENTER","repeat":"NO_REPEAT","size":"COVER","__typename":"BackgroundProps"},"backgroundOpacity":0.8,"paddingTop":"15px","paddingBottom":"15px","borderBottom":"1px solid var(--lia-...
Hi guys, I have had the EA App for quite some time now while it was in its Beta state. Now that it is officially out of Beta I want to start using the EA App only and delete Origin from my PC. Can I simply delete Origin from my PC and continue to use the EA App without ...
(--lia-bs-white)","imageAssetName":null,"imageLastModified":"0","origin":null,"position":"CENTER_CENTER","repeat":"NO_REPEAT","size":"COVER","__typename":"BackgroundProps"},"backgroundOpacity":0.8,"paddingTop":"15px","paddingBottom":"15px","borderBottom":"1px solid var(--lia-...
The only games I'll be able to play are Steam client games if that is the case. As a matter of principle I refuse to buy anything through windows App store. Am I correct? , The EA app is our new platform, replacing Origin. The good news is that you don't need the Windows st...