Il client esegue solo il tunneling del traffico inviato tramite socket. Non esegue il tunneling del traffico inserito nello stack di rete usando un driver(ad esempio, parte del traffico generato da Network Mapper (Nmap)). I pacchetti inseriti passano direttamente alla rete. ...
However, using OZWAdmin-0.1.74, if I push the z-wave network a bit too far, such as healing and/or refreshing too many nodes at the same time, basically clogging the network with messages, the ozwdaemon mqtt client doesn't seem to be able to keep up. All entities in Home Assistant...
System.out.println("public void DISCONN passé OK cote LISTENER"); } });try{ System.out.println("loginclient.connect"); loginclient.connect(loginstimeout, loginsip, loginsPORT); System.out.println("end of conn"); }catch(IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(NetworkListener.class.getName())....
static void process_disconn_cb(void *app, _i32 cause) { struct sl_client_ctx *client_ctx = (struct sl_client_ctx *)app; if(client_ctx->awaited_ack != 0) { client_ctx->awaited_ack = MQTT_DISCONNECT; ACK_RX_SIGNAL_POST(&client_ctx->ack_sync_obj)...