【SAP FICO财务成本学习】SAP中的基本术语1:集团(client)、公司(Company)、公司代码(Company Code)、业务范围(Bussiness Area)、信用控制范围 ERP学长itoaaa 4 人赞同了该文章 1 集团(client) 是SAP中的最高等级,每一个集团建立主数据库。 2 公司(Company) 能够产生法定财务报表的组织单元;财务报表是在公司级别...
SAP登录窗口设置默认client 1.使用管理员权限登录 2.输入事务代码RZ10,选择Profile,Prof.type类型为Instance的项,(如果提示No profile found,请选择菜单"Utilities"-—>"Import Profiles"—>"Of active servers"导入profile信息), 3.选择"Extended maintenance"项,点change按钮, 4.点击Parameter 的创建按钮,新增Paramet...
SAP(FICO)项目经理 30-50K·18薪 某大型知名其他行业上市公司 上海 项目管理 30-40K·14薪 某互联网公司 上海 Information Security PMO 30-35K·13薪 某房地产开发经营公司 上海 项目经理(英文口语) 30-35K 择仕信息 上海 SAP项目经理 30-40K 埃林哲 ...
The Scan Client is a light-weight Windows program which is used to scan and attach documents to any SAP Business object like Sales Order, Purchasing Order, Equipments, Invoices, FICO and Material Postings, delivery notes and so on. We also support barcode recognition for late archiving. In add...
Technology-SAP FICO Senior Manager-Associate Director - job post Accenture 4.04.0 星,满分 5 星 深圳市 全职 您必须先创建 Indeed 账户,才能继续访问公司网站进行申请。 在公司网站上申请 职位详情 职位类型 全职 地点 深圳市 完整的职位描述 Job Description Individuals in this role will ...
The Scan Client is a light-weight Windows program which is used to scan and attach documents to any SAP Business object like Sales Order, Purchasing Order, Equipments, Invoices, FICO and Material Postings, delivery notes and so on. We also support barcode recognition for late archiving. In add...
目前北京没有需求了,工作地点在嘉兴海盐目前在招聘的是FICO、HR高级顾问/总监岗位职责: 1、参与项目ERP前期规划咨询; 2、参与项目ERP实施总体方案设计和业务蓝图设计等; 3、参与项目ERP实施管控等。 任职要求: 1、有10年及以上ERP(SAP、ORACLE)咨询和实施经验,能独立完成模块(HR\FICO)咨询和实施工作; 2、有良好...
Based on technical or business requirements, CJLR may also supplement some SAP business systems with a Sandbox environment. The table below outlines the role of each system in the landscape. 2 SAP System Naming Convention M Solution Manager E ECC(ERP) H HR-ECC A APO X PI/XI B BW/BI W ...
SAPRoles BasedonSAPrecommendations,CJLRwillmaintainathreesystemlandscape(i.e.Development,QualityAssurance,andProduction)forallSAPbusinesssystems.Basedontechnicalorbusinessrequirements,CJLRmayalsosupplementsomeSAPbusinesssystemswithaSandboxenvironment.Thetablebelowoutlinestheroleofeachsysteminthelandscape.SystemSandbox Role...
Google Mapswas the dominant mobile mapping service in the first quarter of 2011, according toa reportby Chinese firm Analysis. Tallying ‘active’ mobile client accounts, the research firm found Google Maps accounted for 46.3% of the mobile map client market. ...