3. (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network 同义词辨析 guest, visitor, passenger, customer, client 这些名词都含有"客人,访问者"之意。 guest: 多指事先受到邀请而来,并受到欢迎与招待的宾客。也可指付钱居住者。
7. Building site Price: Price is a client of the main issues of concern to the general customers on the Internet is not very familiar with the price of the site difficult to carve and polish, in order to allow customers access to a reasonable price, with you to analyze a site's input...
The majority of software applications that are under development or will be developed in the next five to ten years will be distributed. The Elon faculty have added a required course, Computer Science III, to insure that every computer science undergraduate has foundational client server concepts ...
(Computer Science)computingthe online facility that allows the instant exchange of written messages between two or more people using different computers or mobile phones. Abbreviation:IM Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998...
6. Computers A computer or program that can download files for manipulation, run applications, or request application-based services from a file server. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin cliēns, client-, dependent, follower; see klei- in Indo-European roots.] cli′ent·age (-...
A client operating system, in the context of Computer Science, refers to the operating system installed on an individual user's computer or device. It is responsible for managing and controlling the hardware and software resources of the device, allowing the user to interact with various applicatio...
Computer Technology Engineering Menu In the simplest terms,Thin Clientcomputing is a "display only" computer or device, meaning that it displays programs and applications that run on network servers (also referred to as dedicated servers) rather than on the computer. The trend in Thin Client compu...
A client and network refer to the components of a framework in computer science where the client is connected to an edge network for streaming purposes. The edge network contains models trained on network data and transmits bitrate adaptation information to the main server for Quality of Experience...
Advances in Behavioral Science Using Automated Facial Image Analysis and Synthesis [Social Sciences] The face conveys information about a person's age, sex, background, and identity; what they are feeling, thinking, or likely to do next. Facial expression ... JF Cohn - 《IEEE Signal Processing...
Jupyter Notebooks is included in Anaconda, under the Scripts folder, and the Python executables are autoregistered with Jupyter Notebooks. Packages found under site-packages can be imported into a notebook, including the three Microsoft packages used for data science and machine learning. If you ...