UdpClientis closed. ArgumentNullException addrisnull. ArgumentOutOfRangeException portis not betweenMinPortandMaxPort. SocketException An error occurred when accessing the socket. Examples The following example uses an IP address and port number to connect with a remote host. ...
When you connect to a conventional cluster, the client runtime also uses the address list when it tries to reestablish a connection to the message service: it attempts to connect to the brokers in the list until it finds (or fails to find) an available broker. If you specify only a sin...
Typically, users are prompted for credentials when the URL contains an FQDN but not when the URL is a NetBIOS name. Expect users to be always prompted when they connect from the Internet, because this connection must use the Internet FQDN. When users are prompted for credentials when they ar...
function createTestIterationResultAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, actionPath?: string): Promise<TestAttachmentReference> Parameters attachmentRequestModel TestAttachmentRequestModel project string Proje...
(hr, _Exit, L"Unable to Load COM."); hr = dso.Connect(L"localhost", L"testdb"); CHKHR_GOTO(hr, _Exit); hr = dso.GetSession(&pIOpenRowset); CHKHR_GOTO(hr, _Exit); hr = pIOpenRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IDBCreateCommand, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pIDBCreateComm...
Create a device client handle, and connect to your IoT Central application. Creates a handler for commands in the temperature controller component. Creates a handler for property updates in the temperature controller component. Creates the two thermostat components. The main function next: Reports some...
Login and logout events will not be raised on the server when a connection is fetched from or returned to the connection pool, because the connection is not actually closed when it is returned to the connection pool. For more information, seeSQL Server Connection Pooling (ADO.NET). ...
A virtual private network (VPN) is an enterprise network established on the public network. The enterprise network has the same security, management, and functions as the private network. It can be considered as a virtual private line of an enterprise. For example, a user can connect to the...
After buying a DB instance, you can connect to it using a Linux ECS with a MySQL client installed over a private network. This section describes how to access a DB instan
When trying to connect using this._socket = io('http://localhost:5000'); I get the error TypeError: io is not a function. I can see the socket.io/socket.io.js file in the network tab and is getting loaded. I have installed socket.io usin...