I found this tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtTP7JN3oRk , it seems that I need to configure something in Amazon cognito before getting the access token (through Postman and I guess through Python would be the same). I just created an app because I want to have access to...
{recoverySuggestion: See attached exception for more details, underlyingException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initialize OAuth, please check your awsconfiguration.json, message: Failed to instantiate AWSMobileClient}, null))
Amazon EC2 actions AWS Network Manager actions AWS Nitro Enclaves AWS Outposts actions AWS PrivateLink actions Recycle Bin AWS Site-to-Site VPN actions AWS Transit Gateway actions AWS Verified Access actions VM Import/Export actions Amazon VPC actions Amazon VPC IPAM actions AWS Wavelength actions Act...
Client for accessing Amazon SES. All service calls made using this client are blocking, and will not return until the service call completes. Amazon Simple Email Service This document contains reference information for the Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) API, vers...
Amazon string Android string Apple string CustomId string Facebook string FacebookInstantGamesId string GameCenter string GamersFirst string Google string GooglePlayGames string IOS string King string Kongregate string LoadTest string NintendoSwitchAccount string NintendoSwitchDeviceId ...
Amazon string Android string Apple string CustomId string Facebook string FacebookInstantGamesId string GameCenter string GamersFirst string Google string GooglePlayGames string IOS string King string Kongregate string LoadTest string NintendoSwitchAccount string NintendoSwitchDeviceId ...
KnownAmazonRdsForOraclePartitionOption KnownAvroCompressionCodec KnownAzureFunctionActivityMethod KnownAzureSearchIndexWriteBehaviorType KnownAzureStorageAuthenticationType KnownBigDataPoolReferenceType KnownBlobEventType KnownCassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels KnownCellOutputType KnownCompressionCodec KnownConfigurationType Kn...
Amazon string Android string Apple string CustomId string Facebook string FacebookInstantGamesId string GameCenter string GamersFirst string Google string GooglePlayGames string IOS string King string Kongregate string LoadTest string NintendoSwitchAccount string NintendoSwitchDeviceId ...
The AnyConnect app is available onGoogle Play, except for the Kindle package, which is available on Amazon.com.Cisco does not distribute AnyConnect mobile apps. Nor can you deploy the mobile app from the ASA. You can deploy other releases of AnyConnect for desktop device...