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Download the client Install the client Troubleshooting Show 2 more Learn how to install the Global Secure Access client for Windows. Prerequisites The Global Secure Access client is supported on 64-bit versions of Windows 11 or Windows 10. ...
E_ACCESSDENIED;常规访问被拒绝错误文件系统或注册表项权限已更改,服务堆栈没有所需的访问权限级别。此错误通常意味着访问被拒绝。 转到%Windir%\logs\CBS,打开最后一个CBS.log并搜索, error并匹配时间戳。 找到错误后,向上滚动并尝试确定导致访问被拒绝的原因。 可能是对文件、注册表项的访问被拒绝。 确定对象需要...
In the following steps, users can access the site using a regular web browser likeGoogle Chrome,Opera, Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer, where they can enter their credentials to log in and allow the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client to run. An icon in the Windows systray indicates ...
0x5902836c Exception code: 0xc000027b Fault offset: 0x00000000006d5eab Faulting process id: 0x29c4 0xc000027b: An application-internal exception has occurred. This error occurs when an access denied error happens during app initialization that is fatal and cause an exception that lead...
Before you set this option to True or Yes, make sure that clients have the Windows Network Access Protection Agent service started and set to automatic, and that the Windows Network Access Protection infrastructure is in place. The default setting is False or No. Require a new scan for each...
Domain Member: Require strong (Windows 2000 or a later version) session key Domain Controller: LDAP server signing requirements Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always) Network Access: Allows Anonymous Sid / Na...
Set a share access policyTaking the shareClient in KeyConcept, ${shareClient} .Java 複製 ShareAccessPolicy accessPolicy = new ShareAccessPolicy().setPermissions("r") .setStartsOn(OffsetDateTime.now(ZoneOffset.UTC)) .setExpiresOn(OffsetDateTime.now(ZoneOffset.UTC).plusDays(10)); ShareSigned...
WDAC Diagnostics. This template enables you to trace debug information for Windows Data Access Components. You also can configure a data collector set to run at a scheduled time, for a specific length of time, or until it reaches a predefined size. For example, you can...
The code for the ConsoleReader application is available in the download. Each ConsoleReader application reads a WorkItem from the factorjob queue, computes the prime factors of its System.Decimal mItem object, and uses the DataAccessLayer to place the results into the Factor database. Multiple ap...