答: 分析很久,排除眼花,后来发现,对一个对端已经关闭的socket调用两次write(和tcp 关闭握手有关), 第二次将会生成SIGPIPE信号, 该信号默认结束进程,会抛出Broken pipe的exception. 其他的解决方案: 如果也不愿意产生异常,我们可以借助nginx,http请求有个proxy_ingnore_client_abort:on的配置;...
[WARN ] 2020-01-09 08:46:45.739 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver - Failure in @ExceptionHandler public com.ey.pats.paans.common.resource.BaseResource com.ey.pats.paans.api.exception.ExceptionControllerAdvice.exception(java.lang.Exception) org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbo...
org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException:这是Tomcat服务器特有的异常,用于封装java.io.IOException: Broken pipe错误。当Tomcat在处理HTTP请求时,如果客户端在响应完成前关闭了连接,Tomcat就会抛出这个异常。 2. 异常原因分析 客户端原因 客户端(如浏览器)可能由于用户操作(如关闭浏览器标签页)或网络问题(如网...
I get many exception (see above) It seems client abort exception is caused when the client (i.e. browser) interrupt the comunication before glassfish write the response. So is it correct my assumption? If yes, what I can do to avoid my server.log is filled by this ...
32 bit Application calling 32 bit DLL "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)" 4 digit precision- String format 405 method not allowed(postman) 500 Internal server Error while calling a webservice through Httprequest 64 bit app...
Network errors (broken pipe, failed DNS resolution, etc.) are thrown as instances of TransportExceptionInterface.First of all, you don't have to deal with them: letting errors bubble to your generic exception-handling stack might be really fine in most use cases....
if status == 404: raise PGCError("{!r} not found from archive".format(xlog), exit_code=EXIT_NOT_FOUND) raise PGCError("Restore failed with HTTP status {}".format(status), exit_code=EXIT_ABORT) Example #17Source File: test_httplib.py From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU ...
format(host, port, ex) if not retries: raise PGCError(err, exit_code=EXIT_ABORT) print("{}; {} retries left, sleeping {} seconds and retrying".format(err, retries, retry_interval)) time.sleep(retry_interval) if status == 201 and method == "GET": return if status == 200 and ...
- Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe (Write failed) - Caused by: okhttp3.internal.http2.ConnectionShutdownException [currently seeing this one] I have met with dead-ends so far in trying to resolve this issue and have been stuck here quite a while so any help/work around ...
* Fixed bug in linux client that incorrectly handled the "unlink urb" operation (abort endpoint) 3.5.0 (7th March 2016)---* By default the virtualhere client running on windows 10 / windows server 2016 or later will use the new improved VirtualHere USB 3.0 driver* If the user enters...