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Click speed testor clicks per seconds test is a multipurpose online clicking tool which basically tests your clicking speed. Click Speed Test is a simple yet addictive online game that measures how quickly a player can click within a given time limit. It challenges players to click on a targe...
Click Speed Test, also known as the CPS Test, is the most reliable way to measure how fast you can click. We’ve designed this simple tool based on theKohi Click Test. It functions as a click counter, showing how many clicks per second (CPS) you can achieve in intervals of 5 secon...
The game CPS Test or CPS Tester is designed to count the clicking speed of a mouse in various time frames. 0 定时器 0 点击/秒 0 分数 点击速度测试旨在计算或检查鼠标在不同时间间隔的点击速度。如何提高点击速度?是这里出现的主要问题。
Click per second testindicates the number of times a person can click a mouse in a certain period of time, that is mostly, in seconds. Clicking speed test is also known as mouse click counter because that’s what it does; count the number of clicks in a specific period of time. The ...
上一张 ClicksPerSecond - CPS Test | Click Speed Test chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 ClicksPerSecond - CPS Test | Click Speed Test chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 每秒点击次数是一款可以测试鼠标点击速度的游戏。它也称为点击速度测试和 CPS 测试。 该游戏用于测试您在规定时间内可以完成的...
Clicks per second (Click the green flag to start/restart) Time starts with your first click. Share your result with your friends or leave a commenthereand test your click speed also at other time intervals.
Want to test how fast you really are? Try the clicks per second tool and challenge your speed to improve instantly!.
The Click Speed Test website measures the number of clicks you make per second. Check CPS Test online (kohi click test) to see how fast you can click in seconds.
3 Second Test4 Second Test5 Second Test10 Second Test15 Second Test30 Second Test60 Second Test100 Second Test How fast do you click? How to find out your CPS and what it is You are probably wondering why someone might want to measure the speed of a mouse click. However, you will wo...