1. I use "Secondary" for right-clicks and "Primary" for left-clicks just in-case a person is left handed and has swapped the buttons around. Either way, both clicks are off. 2. The del command when performed on the command prompt works, just not in autoit. I'll be AutoIting my e...
Hi All, I need some help on how to use button click to activate or execute the MenuItem that will only appear when an icon in the windows tray (located at the bottom left of window) Shell_TrayWnd(ToolbarWindow321) is left click. By using Autoit winow info, it...
After some further testing it turns out that the [CLASS:XXX] reference was not converted to a proper handle that Windows was expecting. Here is some makeshift code to click on the focussed item in the AutoIt help file (autoit.chm) global $th, $ih ;Tree and item handles ;Let's...