询问ai(这里相当于重新给我理清楚了一下定位问题的思路) This error message indicates that a distributed DDL (Data Definition Language) query timed out before it could be executed. Distributed DDL queries are used to modify the structure of a ClickHouse cluster, such as creating or altering a table...
2.创建数据库 create database {new_database_name} ON CLUSTER {cluster_name}; 上面语句中{new_database_name} 替换成新的数据库名称,{cluster_name}替换成集群名称 通过上面命令创建了数据库后,集群的两个节点就都有这个数据库了(执行命令的节点新建数据库后将命令写入ZK中,另外一个节点从ZK中获取信息创建...
on cluster {cluster_name} 这个指令使得操作能在集群范围内的节点上都生效 1、HOW TO USE? CREATE DATABASE db_name ON CLUSTER cluster CREATE TABLE db.table_name ON CLUSTER cluter ALTER TABLE db.table ON CLUSTER cluster ADD/DROP COLUMN column DROP TABLE table ON CLUSTER cluster 2、与zk的关系 (...
1. readonly 用于限制读取、写入和更改三类查询的权限,默认值为0。 readonly的取值如下: 0 : 允许执行所有查询。 1 : 仅允许读取数据的查询。 2 : 允许读取数据和更改设置。 在设置readonly=1后,用户将无法在当前会话中更改readonly和allow_ddl的设置。 在HTTP请求中使用GET方法时将自动设置readonly=1。如果...
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]table_name [ON CLUSTER cluster] ( column1_name [type1] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr1], column2_name [type2] [DEFAULT|MATERIALIZED|ALIAS expr2], ... ) ENGINE = StripeLog 写数据 {#table_engines-stripelog-writing-the-data} ...
511 | INFO | main | Current load balancer is | com.huawei.clickhouse.examples.Util.exeSql(Util.java:68) 2023-09-19 16:20:51,897 | INFO | main | Execute query:drop table if exists testdb.testtb_all on cluster default_cluster no delay | com.huawei.clickhouse....
On the page for creating the clickhouseuser user, you can select clickhouseuser_policy as the password policy of the clickhouseuser user.Log out of FusionInsight Manager cluster and then log in to it again as the clickhouseuser user. Change the password so that the clickhouseuser user can...
DATASOURCE::ClickHouse::DBCluster类型用于查询单个ClickHouse集群的信息。 语法 { "Type": "DATASOURCE::ClickHouse::DBCluster", "Properties": { "DBClusterId": String, "RefreshOptions": String } } 属性 属性名称 类型 必须 允许更新 描述 约束 DBClusterId String 是 是 集群ID。 无 RefreshOptions Strin...
DLI can output Flink job data to the ClickHouse database. ClickHouse is a column-based database oriented to online analysis and processing. It supports SQL query and prov
CREATE TABLE clickhouse_database_name.clickhouse_table_name_all ON CLUSTER cluster_emr ( id UInt32, key1 String, value1 UInt8, key2 Int64, value2 Float64 ) ENGINE = Distributed(cluster_emr, clickhouse_database_name, clickhouse_table_name_local, rand()); Step 2: Compile and pa...