2.使用client连接clickhouse golang客户端连接clickhouse,可以使用 clickhouse-go 这个库 参考:一文教你Go语言如何轻松使用ClickHouse 引入依赖 1 go get github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-go 导入clickhouse的driver和database/sql,也可以使用github.com/jmoiron/sqlx,参考:golang操作clickhouse使用入门 1 2 import "data...
create_timedate)engine=MergeTree(create_time, (id),8192);insertintomysql_slow_log (user_name, host,sql, rows_examined, exec_time, query_time, create_time)values('xiaoming','','select * from music',3000,1587021607,'0.333','2020-04-16 15:32:17'); go操作 govendor fetch github...
项目的vendor 目录用的govendor 来管理的 error: RPC failed; curl 56 LibreSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 54 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly 解决:git config http.postBuffer 524288000 代码(参考 clickhouse-go 的示例代码) func (slowLog MysqlSlowLogModel) GetAllFromCk(offset int...
这里使用https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-go 来做go语言调用clickhouse数据的 client 库 我们会从一般数据库的,增删改查,来介绍简单的使用。 使用1.x版本的 clickhouse-go 引入下面两个包就可以使用 "github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-go" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx" 创建clickhouse 表 CREATE TABLE testh...
clickhouse-client #进入数据库 建库、建表、建测试数据(均为本地测试) create database statics engine=Ordinary;use statics;create table mysql_slow_log(id UInt16,user_name String,host String,sql String,rows_examined UInt16,exec_time UInt16,query_time String,create_time date)engine=MergeTree(create_...
OTEL Collector,采用 Golang 编写,提供了一个供应商无关的实现,用于接收、处理和导出可观测性数据。OTEL Collector 通过支持 Prometheus 和 OTLP 等多种输入格式,以及广泛的导出目标(包括 ClickHouse),提供了一个集中式的处理网关。 总之,OpenTelemetry 标准化了日志、指标和追踪数据的收集。重要的是,它不负责将这些数...
ClickHouse client for Go 1.18+ This ClickHouse client uses native protocol to communicate with ClickHouse server and requires Go 1.18+ in order to use generics. This is not a database/sql driver, but the API is compatible. Main features are: ClickHouse native protocol support and efficient colum...
Golang SQL database client for ClickHouse.Key featuresUses ClickHouse native format for optimal performance. Utilises low level ch-go client for encoding/decoding and compression (versions >= 2.3.0). Supports native ClickHouse TCP client-server protocol Compatibility with database/sql (slower than ...
Clickhouse-client 安装 建议使用Debian或Ubuntu的官方预编译deb软件包。运行以下命令来安装包: sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates dirmngr sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 8919F6BD2B48D754...
Golang compatibility Client VersionGolang Versions => 2.0 <= 2.2 1.17, 1.18 >= 2.3 1.18 ClickHouse Client API All code examples for the ClickHouse Client API can be found here. Connecting The following example, which returns the server version, demonstrates connecting to ClickHouse -...