create_time DateTime, code String TTL create_time + INTERVAL 10 SECOND, type UInt8 TTL create_time + INTERVAL 10 SECOND ) ENGINE = MergeTree PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(create_time) ORDER BY id 2. 表级别TTL CREATE TABLE ttl_table_v2( id String, create_time DateTime, code String TTL create_t...
ORDER BY (pid, logtime) SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. CREATE TABLE test. test_logtime_index ( `pid` Int32, `role_uid` Int64, `group_base` Int32, `plosgn` Int8, `pl` Str...
ENGINE=ReplacingMergeTree(create_time) PARTITION BY toYYYYMMDD(toDate(create_time)) —-此处需要转换成时间类型 PRIMARY KEY id ORDER BY (id, sku_id); CREATE TABLE t_type3 ( `id` UInt32, `sku_id` String, `total_amount` Decimal(16,2), `create_time` DateTime ) ENGINE=ReplacingMergeTree(c...
虽然ClickHouse 底层将 DateTime 存储为时间戳 Long 类型,但不建议存储 Long 类型,因为DateTime 不需要经过函数转换处理,执行效率高、可读性好。 create table t_type2( id UInt32, sku_id String, total_amount Decimal(16,2) , create_time Int32 ) engine =ReplacingMergeTree(create_time) partition by toY...
CREATETABLEhits_UserID_URL(`UserID`UInt32,`URL`String,`EventTime`DateTime)ENGINE=MergeTreePRIMARYKEY(UserID,URL)ORDERBY(UserID,URL,EventTime)SETTINGSindex_granularity=8192,index_granularity_bytes=0; 数据按照主键排序存储在磁盘上 在磁盘上,每个表都有一个数据文件(*.bin),该列的所有值都以压缩格式存...
CREATETABLETest_Table(page_id String,/* 页面ID */user_id String,/* 用户ID */is_slow String,/* 请求是否慢 */url String,/* 请求URL */)ENGINE=MergeTree()ORDERBY(page_id,device_id); 这个表格的字段含义如注释,该表主要存储的数据是: ...
CREATETABLEpartition_00(ID String,URL String,EventTimeDate)ENGINE=MergeTree()PARTITIONBYtoYYYYMM(EventTime)ORDERBYID 创建表语句关键字解析 空值或非空修饰符 列定义中数据类型后面的修饰符可以指定允许或不允许其值为Null。 代码语言:sql 复制 CREATETABLEOrders(`order_id`String,`created_at`Nullable(DateTime...
EventTimeDate) ENGINE=MergeTree()PARTITIONBYtoYYYYMM(EventTime)ORDERBYID 创建表语句关键字解析 空值或非空修饰符 列定义中数据类型后面的修饰符可以指定允许或不允许其值为Null。 CREATETABLEOrders ( `order_id` String, `created_at` Nullable(DateTime), ...
order by (billno,waybillno,source_dept_code,enter_net_code) ttl insertTime + interval 100 day; create table doorku.dm_delivery_rate_waybill_new_di_dumb on cluster default Engine=ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree('/tables/doorku/dm_delivery_rate_waybill_new_di_dumb/{shard}', '{replica}') partiti...
In ClickHouse Cloud please split this into two steps: Create the table structure CREATE TABLE t1ENGINE = MergeTreeORDER BY ...EMPTY ASSELECT ... Populate the table INSERT INTO t1SELECT ...Example Query: CREATE TABLE t1 (x String) ENGINE = Memory AS SELECT 1;SELECT x, toTypeName(x) FROM...