原因:ck端口是否写错 解决:检查metrika.xml文件中ck端口 16) Code: 32 Clickhouse code 32 DB::Exception: Attempt to read after eof 原因:建立dict字典表时,行数过多。(也可能是使用AggregateFunction触发的,其需要调整相应参数以及聚合方法) 解决:1)缓存字典布局,一次仅将 全部数据 的一部分加载到内存中。 2...
DB::Exception: Attempt to read after eof: (while reading column http_user): (while reading from part /xxxxx/01/store/b4f/b4f7cad2-943c-49b4-b8e1-44399bcc45a6/457190_82_107_4/ from mark 0 with max_rows_to_read = 8192): While executing MergeTreeReverse. (ATTEMPT_TO_READ_AFTER_EOF...
code:279,message:All connection tries failed.Log:\n\nCode:32,e.displayText()=DB::Exception:Attempt to read aftereof(version21.3.9.83(official build))\nCode:32,e.displayText()=DB::Exception:Attempt to read aftereof(version21.3.9.83(official build))\nCode:32,e.displayText()=DB::Exception:A...
Describe the bug When running a query on a cluster it will hang if the server has been alive for a while. Since we run our instances on GCE and the firewall terminates connections after 30 minutes, I presume the issue happens after 30 mi...
所以你的老兄撞死了或者被凶手杀了。检查sudo dmesg|tail -100尝试缓存字典布局,一次只将19 000 000的...
Clickhouse code 32 DB::Exception: Attempt to read after eof 原因:建立dict字典表时,行数过多。(也可能是使用AggregateFunction触发的,其需要调整相应参数以及聚合方法) 解决:1)缓存字典布局,一次仅将 全部数据 的一部分加载到内存中。 2)max_insert_threads 参数变更,更改set max_insert_threads=32。
在具有16 VM的centos7.6VM上运行时,出现以下错误Code: 32.Exception: Attempt to read after eof: while receiving packet from localhost:9000 查询具有75列和100000行(126Mb)的缓存字典时这是意料之中的,因为字典看起来很小。filterColumn', toUInt64(number))) AS avg FROM system.numbers(1, ...
Code: 32, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Attempt to read after eof (version (official build)) Code: 210, e.displayText() = DB::NetException: Connection refused ( (version (official build)) ...
Code:32, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Attempt to read after eof (version20.6.4.44(official build)) Code:210, e.displayText() = DB::NetException: Connection refused ( (version20.6.4.44(official build)) Code:210, e.displayText() = DB::NetException: Connection refused...
Log: Code: 32, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Attempt to read after eof (version Code: 210, e.displayText() = DB::NetException: Connection refused (node03:9000) (version Code: 210, e.displayText() = DB::NetException: Connection refused (node03:9000) (version...