PURPOSE:To enable the height of a click seat block and, in turn that of a click seat itself to be easily adjusted in accordance with the thickness of paper by allowing an adjustment member with two kinds of reference contact surface to slide in a cylindrical axial direction. CONSTITUTION:In...
At the moment DS4 (v2) touchpad clicks seem to register as right trigger (short pulls / clicks). I saw in some release notes that the touchpad click can be emulated with "Share+PS", and this does work correctly. But as described, touchpa...
polymers Article Preparation and Properties of SBS-g-GOs-Modified Asphalt Based on a Thiol-ene Click Reaction in a Bituminous Environment Jing Li 1,2, Meizhao Han 2, Yaseen Muhammad 1,3, Yu Liu 4,* , Zhibin Su 2, Jing Yang 2, Song Yang 2 and Shaochan Duan 2 1 Guangxi Key ...