快讯| Spirent 通信-半导体 PLC - 全年营业收入约为46000万,较2023年的47400万下降。 快讯01/17 15:00 快讯| 斯派伦通信有限公司 凯时科技 - 斯派伦交易更新 - 年底强劲收官 快讯01/17 15:00 我们认为Keysight Technologies(纽交所:KEYS)可以有效管理其债务 ...
收盘价 03/14 16:00 (美东) 79.650 0.0000.00% 盘后20:01 (美东) 525.80亿总市值30.63市盈率TTM 79.860最高价78.375最低价469.66万股成交量78.900今开77.460昨收3.72亿成交额0.71%换手率31.61市盈率(静)6.60亿总股本91.13652周最高3.31市净率523.67亿流通值58.94252周最低1.48股息TTM6.57亿流通股170.628历史最高1....
PLC/CNC Product Efficience 6-12 Square Meters Per Hour Working Noise 75dB Color Customized Sand Belt Size 2500*50mm Machine Size 4500*1600*2900mm Machine Weight 2000kg Polishing Material Sand Belt/Flap Wheel/Cloth Wheel/Hemp Wheel Package Plywood Polishing Effect Ra<=...
Hochschild Mining PLCis a leading precious metals company listed on theLondon Stock Exchange(HOCM.L / HOC LN) and crosstrades on the OTCQX Best Market in the U.S. (HCHDF), with a primary focus on the exploration, mining, processing and sale of silver and gold. Hochschild has over fifty...
5. Individual electrical control panel with plc control system ensure the machine work properly and safety; 6. Detachable type cutting head on shredder blades, makes the maintenance and replacement of wearing parts easier and much shorten maintenance time. 7. Low...
周四0700时的快讯标题为“英美烟草PLC 财年前项目,税前利润GBP7.28B” 道琼斯02/14 20:38 锚定证券将英美烟草的评级下调至持有,降低目标价格 安克证券股票经纪公司在周五将烟草制品公司英美烟草(BATS.L, BTI.JO)从买入下调至持有,并将其目标价从35.00英镑下调至34.50英镑。 MT Newswires02/14 20:10 期权市场告诉...