上面的那个旋钮是干什么用的 感觉调了以后也没什么变化,还有最右边飞行模式上的那个下载按钮也看不太懂...耳机模式设定又是什么,求指点 贴吧用户_02R2RbN W110 1 上面的原来是调节音量 道客特韦伯 XMG 15 那个旋钮中间应该是要做个喇叭的图标,感觉没做好飞行模式上那个是滚动锁屏指示,与数字小键盘开启、大...
最新版本的控制中心确实有问题,安装上就一样的提示 目前还是等一等把 速射汤圆 W110 1 这个问题我已经解决了,最新版的control center2.0需要更新bios和EC到最新版本,就可以用了.登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示9...
control ce..系统是win10 ,机器是p650ra .其他什么都快秒开,就是control center 打开的时候很慢无法接受呀。都删掉重装过了重做系统好了
ControlCenter风扇默认overclock肿么办 只看楼主 收藏 回复 HXFxiaoX P377 11 每次开机都要手动改自动 菜鸟求教 P270 12 好 红魔群 W230 2 因为你有东西超频了,只要是超频了,默认就是开overlock,你把超频关了,再选自动就可以了 就此别过 W230 2 老哥这个驱动怎么下载啊 求告知谢谢 ...
I don't see any Bios version in the CLEVO Download page, however you may try to download and install Update Control Center2.0 Version: 1.0.65 utility (C_Center_181203.zip) https://www.clevo.com.tw/en/e-services/download/ftpout_download.asp?sno=10564&no=1 Could be tyhat with this ut...
A python API act as Control Center to control your Clevo Laptop via wmi on windows. Only works on Control Center 2.0 models. Control Center 3.0 model useacpi dsmto control device,thus wmi will not work. Usage # pip3 install pymifromclevo_wmiimportCLEVO_GETCG=CLEVO_GET()# set fan1(CPU...
Also in the Clevo control center I can’t change CPU or memory settings or else it will crash the program. Please help. Thanks Specs: intel i7 9900K; RTX 2070; 32 GB DDR4 @ 3200Mhzfeluchi 03-07-2023, 04:36 AM (03-06-2023, 11:41 PM)EddieKart64 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello. I need...
神舟K680E-G6H5control center打开后全屏程序没反应然后自动关闭 只看楼主 收藏 回复 (・∀・) W110 1 kbb1234567 W110 1 我也是 南京章鱼哥 XMG 15 卸载重新安装 qiuanwu P180 8 没遇到这个情况,我也是刚买这个牌子准系统,这个软件还不会用 ...
✅ try to open a certain softwareclevo control center but closed as soon as it open:this is 2 error code that is on the event viewer it looks like there is a crash but i don't know how to solve the problemfirst one- <Event...
Download and unzip, or clone, this repo, then add the script to your path by adding the following line to ~/.bashrc: export PATH=$PATH:<dir> where <dir> is the full path to the repo. For example if you downloaded it to your desktop, it would look like export PATH=$PATH:~/Deskto...