Also keep in mind every quarry is now abandoned, which tends to result in the pit filing with water, especially since it wasn't closed cleanly but simply abandoned. Finally, the materials retrieved are going to be dominated by gravel, sand, and bulk stone, none of which are particularly us...
Are you wondering,how to name your farm? Check our ultimate collection of the best farm names ideas. We have divided these names for farms into several categories – catchy, romantic, biblical, clever, inspired by wildlife, water, plants, and more… You canjump to those categoriesin the tab...
Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world. - Pulse · CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA
As most of the outcrops are in Cornwall, the stone is often known generically as “Cornish Granite”, as distinct from...
(I keep saying bronze becausecopperchisels wear out very very quickly. When quarrying for the Giza pyramids the Egyptians had entire foundries dedicated to smelting copper chisels, which constantly needed to be replaced after being used on the hard stone) ...