Answering a call for help. (Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center offers services to help businesses comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act)Wehner, Beth Thomas
Innovative Therapy Center provides speech, language, swallowing/feeding therapy, occupational therapy, and counseling for children and adults in the Uniontown, OH and surrounding areas.
“I’ve never recovered it from an eye,” Morelli said ofP. aeruginosa, which is not usually involved in eye infections. The source came to light after infectious disease specialistDr. Scott Fultonasked the patient’s husband to bring in her eye drops for te...
Other than the echo from the blast I couldn’t hear anything, slowly backing away from the desk and backing out the side door, sidling along the outside wall until I came to the front of the building. I stood outside until I was breathing again, and my hearing started to come back....
Listen to any group of ballplayers from the playground on up and you will probably hear a familiar phrase echoed after a powerful dunk - "Wham with the Right Hand!" It has become one of Joe Tait's signature phrases and every player dreams of hearing Tait make that call about him. ...
“Illmatic,” Nas snatched hearts with lines like “I shoot slugs from my brain just like a rifle,”“When I was twelve, I went to hell for snuffing Jesus” and “Cause verbally, I’m iller than a AIDS patient.” Upon hearing “Live at the Barbeque,” you wouldn’t want to hear ...
"As content marketers, we need to stand out from the rest to get attention," saidJoe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute and host of the CMWorld conference. "I'm looking forward to hearing John Cleese's thoughts on how to plan, manage and execute programs - with measuremen...
Sen. Sherrod Brown, news release,Following Senate hearing in Cleveland, Sens. Brown, Durbin, Rep. Fudge take a stand against infringement on voting rights, May 7, 2012 Emails with Rep. Marcia Fudge spokeswoman Belinda Prinz, Sept. 11 and 12, 2012 ...
Innovative Therapy Center provides speech, language, swallowing/feeding therapy, occupational therapy, and counseling for children and adults in the Uniontown, OH and surrounding areas.
Adding, from a statement:The Pay Now Illinois (PNI) coalition lawsuit will gain 18 new plaintiffs, bringing the total to 99. The state owes them more than $161. A judge granted PNI an extension to amend its complaint in ...