Answering a call for help. (Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center offers services to help businesses comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act)Wehner, Beth Thomas
Innovative Therapy Center provides speech, language, swallowing/feeding therapy, occupational therapy, and counseling for children and adults in the Uniontown, OH and surrounding areas.
" It has become one of Joe Tait's signature phrases and every player dreams of hearing Tait make that call about him. Joe first said it when Hot Rod Williams "slammed one home." Without missing a beat he yelled "Wham with the Right Hand!" and the legendary slogan has followed him eve...
“We wondered if she’d accidentally touched something, or there was some freak accident,” said lead study authorDr. Morgan Morelli, an infectious disease fellow at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. “It required a lot of thinking and digging to figu...
launched the career of Polow da Don. But his time at the top of the rap world was limited due to overexposure. The truth is no one wanted to turn down a beat from Polow after hearing the triumphant sounds of “Throw Some D’s.” Polow sought to recreate it time and time again, but...
I stood outside until I was breathing again, and my hearing started to come back. I decided I wasn’t hurt since nothing hurt. Back inside the dust was settling and it didn’t look like too much was on fire. The phone was still working. I called the police and they arrived in the...
founder of the Content Marketing Institute and host of the CMWorld conference. "I'm looking forward to hearing John Cleese's thoughts on how to plan, manage and execute programs - with measurement in mind - while still hitting our creative limits. Sometimes it's hard, and sometimes it means...
Press release,Conyers and Fudge Call for Investigation of Potential Voter Suppression in Ohio, August 24, 2012 The Plain Dealer,Obama campaign sues Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted over early voting restrictions,July 17, 2012 Sen. Sherrod Brown, news release,Following Senate hearing i...
Innovative Therapy Center provides speech, language, swallowing/feeding therapy, occupational therapy, and counseling for children and adults in the Uniontown, OH and surrounding areas.
Adding, from a statement:The Pay Now Illinois (PNI) coalition lawsuit will gain 18 new plaintiffs, bringing the total to 99. The state owes them more than $161. A judge granted PNI an extension to amend its complaint in ...