Rob Portman, came to Cleveland to discuss the Holodomor, the Soviet Union's deliberate genocide through starvation of the people of Ukraine in 1932 and
Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital (CCUH) has served the community of Ohio’s Tuscarawas Valley for more than 100 years. Although times have changed, the hospital remains devoted to ensuring the highest levels of patient care and the most advanced medical technologies and treatments for its patients....
Dr. Florian Roser, Chair of Neurological Institute at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, commented on the hospital's achievement and the part it plays in caring for stroke patients: “Stroke stands as a formidable global health challenge, ranking as the second lea...
Cardiac and other disease in South Asian population Dr. Aravinda Nanjundappais a cardiology specialist at Cleveland Clinic's main campus. He said that despite the seemingly healthier diet, the Indian population actually suffers from heart disease earlier in life than Caucasians. In addition, life ...
He stayed at my mother’s house, throwing parties for his friends whenever she broke a leg and was recovering at the Cleveland Clinic or had a stroke and was recovering at the Welsh Home in Rocky River. When my brother asked me to throw some work his son’s way, I was of a mind...
Women's Guild Secretary and Chairperson and Annual Festival Committee Chair and has helped plan numerous cultural events for the community. She and her family have hosted many physicians-who occasionally come to Cleveland from Armenia, to participate in Cleveland Clinic's International Physician Obeserve...