2020年, 在整体医院质量星级评定中,CMS将克利夫兰诊所评为5星,包括克利夫兰诊所系统中的部分社区医院,如Fairview Hospital, Hillcrest Hospital和Lutheran Hospital。但Cleveland Clinic Martin North Hospital只获得1星评定。 COVID-19流行早期,克利夫兰诊所管理层规定医务人员在诊疗区域外无需戴口罩,理由是当时无确凿证据显...
2017年,克利夫兰诊所获得俄亥俄Dover 联合医院,含150张床位。2021年,俄亥俄Canton 的Mercy 医学中心成为克利夫兰诊所健康系统的完全成员,但仍保留对圣奥古斯丁姐妹会的天主教附属关系。 Cleveland Clinic Akron General正始名称是阿克伦总医学中心Akron General Medical Center,简称Akron Gen,位于俄亥俄Akron,拥有511张床位,属...
In the past few years, a number of local independent hospitals have been absorbed by larger systems such as the Clinic and University Hospitals. In addition to Medina Hospital, the Clinic has taken on Akron General Hospital and Union Hospital in Dover, and UH has acquired Parma Community Genera...