本周末,Clete Blakeman将担任酋长队与比尔队的美联决赛的主裁判。虽然有些人可能会注意到酋长队在Blakeman执法下6胜5负的记录,更是始终无法忘却2019年1月加时输给爱国者的痛。但值得一提的是,Blakeman其实是联盟中最公正的裁判之一。我们都知道,无论是哪方的防守组,都免不了有一些球员在面对对方明星四分卫,如Pa...
Referee Clete Blakeman and umpire Scott Campbell had primary keys for holding and other blocking fouls; down judge Dana McKenzie and line judge Julian Mapp held the line of scrimmage for any potential issues there; and field judge Karina Tovar, side judge James Coleman, and back judge Jonah M...
The article offers information on the outfit of several performers, including Beyoncé and Lady Gaga, and football official Clete Blakeman, at the Super Bowl show in February 2016. Topics include the military outfit of Beyoncé red eye, metallic blue nails of Lady Gaga, and hunky looks of ...