The first appointment as what is now the Clerk of Courts occurred on February 25, 1801, at the time of the creation of the Clermont County Common Pleas Court when Ohio was still a territory. The Clerk’s office has always progressed in meeting the needs of the Court, the legal profession...
promotionsupporttocommercialofficersandotherstaffforsinglecompanypromotionsandtrade exhibitionevents.TheCommercialClerkprovidessupportforwebsiteupdates,fordeveloping commercialinformationonChinesefirms,andforvisitsofseniorU.S.governmentofficials.The CommercialClerkalsoservesasbackuptotheAdmin/Commercialassistant. Acopyofthe...
The Circuit Clerk and Recorder is the clerk of the civil, domestic relations, criminal and juvenile courts, preparing summons, warrants, orders, judgments and injunctions authorized by the circuit, domestic relations and juvenile court for delivery by the county sheriff. As ex-officio county recorde...