Quickly Pass CLEP & DSST Exams Easy to use study guides, no prior knowledge needed. Proven by hundreds of 5-star Google reviews. Start Learning Now 30-DayMoney-BackGuarantee "I ended up passing 5 CLEP tests and 5 DSST tests. The flashcards were my only study source for all but two ...
CLEP vs DSST vs AP If you've considered alternative routes to earning college credit, you may also be familiar with the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) and Advanced Placement (AP) programs. CLEP and DSST exams are both standardized tests open to the general public. The main difference...
CLEP and DSST exams! Perhaps you've never heard of "CLEP", "DANTES", or even ECE's until recently, or maybe you've already taken advantage of these wonderful opportunities for college credit. Whatever your current situation, please allow me to say, ...
TheCollege Composition Modularis a new CLEP test that replaced English Composition CLEP (without essay) and the Freshman College Composition CLEP...more $35.97 Ethics in America DANTES Study Guide TheEthics in AmericaDANTES / DSST covers the major theories and concepts and origins of Ethics. You'...
That may be because many students take CLEP tests with DSST tests. While both offer college credit, CLEP tests offer testing in mainstream subjects, while DSST test subjects are more specialized. CLEP exams test you on the equivalent of an entire college semester’s curriculum in approximately 90...
Additionally, some colleges only count CLEP and DSST exam credit as electives, so students cannot test out of courses required for their major, says Amy Fitzgerald from JumpCourse, an online learning company that offers prep courses for CLEP, Advanced Placement and DSST exams. ...
International Baccalaureate (IB) Rigorous high school curriculum with exams that can earn college credit DSST Exams Another credit-by-examination program, originally for military service members Dual Enrollment High school students take college courses for both high school and college creditCLEP...
For some current military members and their spouses, CLEP exams are easily accessible and virtually free thanks to DANTES-funded CLEP and DSST exams. DANTES covers CLEP and DSST exam costs ($87 plus administrative fees) to eligible members. ...
Introduction to Educational PsychologyIntroductory PsychologyIntroductory SociologyPrinciples of MacroeconomicsPrinciples of MicroeconomicsSocial Sciences and HistoryHistory of the United States I: EarlyColonization to 1877History of the United States II: 1865 to the PresentWestern Civilization I: Ancient Near ...
Prepare for and pass these PLA exams: CLEP, DSST, & UExcel. CLEP Prep DSST Prep UExcel Prep Increase Knowledge Don’t let your GPA take a hit, prepare before you take a college course. Our courses are also excellent resources for home school students who wish to get high school ...