三、制度性应用场景区别 在司法体系中,美国总统的赦免权(clemency power)可直接推翻法院判决,这种制度设计赋予clemency改变法律结果的强制力。而leniency作为量刑原则,受《联邦量刑指南》约束,法官只能在法定幅度内从轻处罚。例如贩毒案中,检察官运用'辩诉交易'给予leniency,刑期可从10...
the-clemency-power网络赦免权 网络释义 1. 赦免权 ...起草者们沉浸于英国法律传统中,认为有保留或设立行政赦免权(the clemency power)的必要,故而采纳了这一做法。laizaoxing.blog.sohu.com|基于2个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
美国总统的赦免权(pardoning power)是clemency的典型制度载体,该权力允许行政分支直接推翻司法判决。拜登特赦亨特·拜登的案例显示,这种特权既可作为政治博弈工具,也能引发权力制衡争议。数据显示,近二十年总统特赦使用频率呈下降趋势,反映出社会对行政干预司法的警惕性增强。
Kaplan, Aliza B.Mayhew, VenetiaLewis & Clark Law Review
They addressed to the governor a plea for clemency.他们向州长提出了宽刑的申辩书。 权威例句 Clemency as a VirtueExecutive Clemency in Capital CasesNormalizing the Federal Clemency PowerExecutive Clemency in the United States: Origins, Development, and Analysis (1900-1993)Memorializing Miscarriages of Ju...
The meaning of CLEMENCY is disposition to be merciful and especially to moderate the severity of punishment due. How to use clemency in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Clemency.
1 ENTRIES FOUND: clemency(noun) clemency/ˈklɛmənsi/noun Britannica Dictionary definition of CLEMENCY [noncount] :kind or merciful treatment of someone who could be given harsh punishment The judge ignored the prisoner's pleas forclemency. [=mercy] ...
3. clemency的解释 3. But though you are master of might, you judge with clemency, and with much lenience you govern us; for power, whenever you will, attends you. 你虽掌有大权,但施行审判,却很温和,治理我们,极其宽忍,因为,权能乃属于你,只有你愿意,你就能行使。 4. They address ed to th...
The executive clemency power is an extremely broad and powerful ability of a President and a governor. This power can be used to promote policies and to render mercy. Article 2, Section II of the Constitution states: “The President…shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses...
“cronyism” actions. It turns out however that, even including the recent surge, PewResearch reports that Trump has used his clemency power less often than any president in modern history (apart from Bush Senior), according to data from the U.S. Department of Justice. President Trump has ...