Clemency /ˈklemənsi/ n. “仁慈”、“宽恕”或“宽大处理 Meaning: kindness shown to sb when they are being punished; willingness not to punish sb so severely 词根: clem- 同clim-倾斜 (climb) 后缀: -ency 名词后缀(fluency) e.g. The judge showed clemency to the first-time offender, ...
Meaning: kindness shown to sb when they are being punished; willingness not to punish sb so severely 词根: clem- 同clim-倾斜 (climb) 后缀: -ency 名词后缀(fluency) e.g. The judge showed clemency to the first-time offender, giving him a suspended sentence. 法官对初犯者表现出宽大处理,给了...
The meaning of CLEMENCY is disposition to be merciful and especially to moderate the severity of punishment due. How to use clemency in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Clemency.
Meaning: kindness shown to sb when they are being punished; willingness not to punish sb so severely 词根:clem- 同clim-倾斜 (climb) 后缀:-ency 名词后缀(fluency) e.g. The judge showed clemency to the first-time offender, giving him a suspended sentence.法官对初犯者表现出宽大处理,给了他缓...
CLEMENCY meaning: kind or merciful treatment of someone who could be given harsh punishment
Definition of clemency noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Clemencyas a name for girls is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Clemency is "mercy; merciful". Clemency is an alternate spelling ofClemence(Latin). Clemency is also a derivative ofClementine(Latin). STARTS/ENDS WITHCl-,-cy Variations ...
clemency meaning, definition, what is clemency: forgiveness and less severe punishment f...: Learn more.
Granted Clemency: Meaning When a court grants an individual clemency, the ruling can mean different things, as there are three forms of clemency: reprieves, commutations of sentence, and pardons. While the definitions of each form of clemency are the same, different states have distinctly different...
Dictionary definitions of the word clemency The meaning of clemency clemency 2 definitions of the word clemency. Noun Good weather with comfortable temperatures Leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice ...