The primary aim of this study was to compare corresponding scores between 2 existing cleft-specific patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs)—Cleft Hearing Appearance and Speech Questionnaire (CHASQ) and CLEFT-Q. The second aim of the study was to investigate patient opinion on the 2 PROMs.#Cro...
cleft 释义 cleft /klєft/ cleft 1 v.i. pt. & pp of cleave (2). cleave(2) 的过去式及过去分词。 adj. Split; divided. 裂开的;分开的。 phrases in a cleft stick (非正式用法)处于进退两难之境;进退维谷;左右为难。 idoms cleft palate 缺唇;裂颚畸形。 cleft 2 n. A crack; crevice....
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The finding of extreme hydrocephalus, cleft palate and club feet in a fetus of the mother's previous pregnancy suggested an inherited defect. Chromosome analysis and FISH studies in the proband revealed an abnormal homolog 13 resulting in a duplication of distal chromosome 7q, 7q35-qter, and a...
The mission of The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal is to publish peer-reviewed information of the highest scientific quality regarding cleft palate and other craniofacial anomalies in order to advance the global education of scientists and clinicians. We value: -The acquisition and dissemination of kn...
Cytogenetic evidence, in the form of deletions and balanced translocations, points to the existence of a locus on 2q32-q33, for which haploinsufficiency results in isolated cleft palate (CPO). Here we show by high-resolution FISH mapping of two de novo CPO-associated translo...
【疾病名】唇裂 【英文名】cleft lip 【缩写】 【别名】 【ICD 号】Q36 【概述】 唇(面)裂畸形是颌面部常见的先天畸形 其中的唇腭裂畸形更是常见 且有较高的患病率 而且具有世界性。如挪威的唇腭裂患病率为 2.08‰ 南威尔士为 2.06‰ 芬兰为 2.16‰(1972 年尚为 1.72‰) 日本为 2.00‰ 美国及前南斯拉夫...
Nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NSCL/P) is one of the most common congenital malformations and a susceptibility locus on chromosome 8q24 has been replicated as a genetic risk factor for NSCL/P in patients of European and Asian descent. However, given considerable variations...