I'm in the latest CC2017 version. The other day I had to go through a whole bunch of old files for a particular item, which was hidden. The end result is my welcome screen is now totally cluttered with this old stuff. OK, it's a minor irritation, but is there a way o...
Head to this place in File Explorer:C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Media Player\Transcoded Files Cache. Swap “username” with your own. Delete all files there to forget the recent stuff. Tip: Make a shortcut to this folder on your desktop so you can clear things out fast next...
Microsoft's Oct. 2 event in New York City is expected to feature more than just a couple refreshed Surface devices. Windows, Office, Cortana, and other software and services will likely get cameos, too. Microsoft Windows 10 April 2018 update: How to change the Command Prompt default to...
General advice- Never use Windows File Explorer to Move, Rename, Delete, files or folders. (there are a few exceptions). You must use Lightroom to reference every photo you have, whether you "need" it or not. There are ways to 'limit' your views in the Catalog Library so you only ...
Application Error Event ID:1000 in Windows 2012 R2 with faulting module name: NTDLL.DLL Applying patches on a domain controller - recommendation and best practices. Applying recent Windows updates appears to prevent HTML help files from displaying correctly when accessed remotely (UNC & network drive...
Go to HKey_Current_User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ User Shell Folders Here in right side panel, double click on Recent and change its value of C:\RECYCLED. Now set your Recycle bin, “remove files immediately when deleted“. Now close the registry edi...
Application Error Event ID:1000 in Windows 2012 R2 with faulting module name: NTDLL.DLL Applying patches on a domain controller - recommendation and best practices. Applying recent Windows updates appears to prevent HTML help files from displaying correctly when accessed remotely (UNC & network drive...
General advice- Never use Windows File Explorer to Move, Rename, Delete, files or folders. (there are a few exceptions). You must use Lightroom to reference every photo you have, whether you "need" it or not. There are ways to 'limit' your views in the Catalog Library so you only ...
General advice- Never use Windows File Explorer to Move, Rename, Delete, files or folders. (there are a few exceptions). You must use Lightroom to reference every photo you have, whether you "need" it or not. There are ways to 'limit' your views in the Catalog Library so you only ...
General advice- Never use Windows File Explorer to Move, Rename, Delete, files or folders. (there are a few exceptions). You must use Lightroom to reference every photo you have, whether you "need" it or not. There are ways to 'limit' your views in the Catalog Library so you only ...