I don't mean to sound all new-agey (because let's be real...I'm not), but I've really been examining what and who makes my life better and what and who don't (doesn't? I'm so tired...still dealing with insomnia).There was a time, a few years ago, where I realize...
Even the level of hoard (check out theInstitute for Challenging Disorganization’s Clutter Hoarding Scaleto help you evaluate. It’s free!) – I’m going to focus on the best way for you to approach this process. But before we dive in, I will mention three important points: First, you ...
Dreamed about clutter again. This recurring dream has me back in my parents’ home where I have a bedroom with two windows that overlook the backyard. The bedroom is in disarray and it’s keeping me from leaving the house to accomplish what I need to do. (There are people hovering around...