Clearing Blocked Artery Can Prevent Bigger Stroke
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Immunofluorescence Frozen 20-µm-thick brain sections and cultured neurons were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, blocked by 8% normal goat serum, Jin-Min Guo et al. npg 927 and incubated in specific primary antibodies as follows: anti-NeuN (1:200, Millpore) and anti-4-HNE (1:100, Abcom...
Clearing Blocked Carotid Artery Can Prevent Bigger StrokeDEAR DOCTOR K: I had a mild ischemic stroke. Now my doctor wants to do a carotidendarterectomy...Komaroff, Anthony
After the stroke, physicians scan the carotid arteries, the two largeblood vesselsin the neck that provide much of the brain's blood supply. If one of these arteries is more than 50 percent blocked withfatty depositscalled plaque, doctors commonly recommend surgical removal of the plaque a few...