For more than 20 years, ClearanceJobs has connected professionals with federal government security clearance and employers to fill the jobs that safeguard our nation. Our career community allows members to connect, engage, and explore opportunities to find a "best fit" match. Learn More Find Top... connects cleared job seekers with security clearance jobs. Employers post their cleared jobs and make cleared connections with our registered job hunters. Cleared Careers can be found through us via our employment website, cleared hiri
Security clearance jobs. Federal, Intelligence & homeland security employment / careers. Cleared jobs in polygraph, IT, ts/sci, top secret, ts sci, NSA, DoD, c4isr, military, Intel, defense, Iraq, linguists, biometrics, maritime, sf86, OPSEC, counterinte
The need for security cleared personnel is at an all-time high Home security jobs; top secret jobs; intelligence analyst jobs; government contractor jobs; defense jobs; electronic security jobs; airport security jobs; homeland security jobs; and many more. ...
This will be a departure from the current requirement that demands applicants to seek clearance with the EACC ahead of applying for jobs in government, counties, parastatals and other State agencies for a fee. Now, counties, parastatals and ministries will seek the EACC clearance within seven...
ClearanceJobs is committed to connecting security-cleared professionals and employers in a secure and private career network to fill jobs that safeguard our nation. If you are a U.S. citizen and have an active U.S. government security clearance, you've just found your career network. ...
Clearance Jobs Future Polygraphs May Be Conducted by Robots A new study has determined that computers may be able to deliver and analyze polygraph tests as well as any human. 2014 Fall Security Clearance Decisions Applying for a security clearance is a stressful process, and even if you have ...
You’ll likely need a Thailand Police Clearance Certificate when applying for visas, jobs, or educational opportunities abroad, or when you’re adopting a child. Also, always check with the authority requesting the certificate if background checks from other countries are needed. Are there eligibili...
Private sector jobs in areas like defense, intelligence, cybersecurity, and business analysis may also require security clearance. Because the pool of cleared candidates is smaller outside of government, highlighting your clearance status can make you stand out to private employers. ...
Many government and private employers require that their employees hold and keep a secret or top-secret security clearance issued by the federal government for their jobs. Of course, all military service members are also required to hold and retain, at a minimum, a secret security clearance and...